Important December Birthdays
Christmas Stories
Winter Wonderlands Around the World
December History
All About St. Nick

This singer, whose birthday is December 13, titled her fifth studio album after her birth year - 1989.

Who is Taylor Swift?


This book tells the story of God and Jesus of Nazareth, and is considered to be a guide to Christians around the world.

What is the Bible?


This date is the first day of winter in the Northern Hemishpere.

What is December 21st?


This nationally recognized holiday is celebrate on December 31st every year.

What is New Year's Eve?


Santa is rumored to live in this location year after year.

What is the North Pole?


This radio and TV personality was born on December 24th, 1974. He is best known for hosting American Idol.

Who is Ryan Seacrest? 


This film follows an eight-year-old boy, who must defend his home from two burglars after his family accidentally leaves him behind on their Christmas vacation.  

What is Home Alone?


Water freezes at this temperature. 

What is 32 degrees?


Pearl Harbor was attacked on this date in 1941.

What is December 7th?


It is said that Santa Claus enters through this part of a home on Christmas Eve night.

What is a chimney?


This well-known, 6' 9" Lakers basketball star was born on December 30th, 1984.

Who is LeBron James?


This book turned animated Christmas movie tells the story of a young boy who, on Christmas Eve, sees a mysterious train bound for the North Pole stop outside his window and is invited aboard by its conductor.

What is the Polar Express?


This is a type of dome-shaped shelter built from blocks of solid snow.

What is an igloo?


On December 5th, 1955 the Montegomery Bus Boycott began in response to this African-American woman's arrest.

Who is Rosa Parks?


This beverage company has frequently been using Santa Claus in it's winter advertising since 1931.

What is Coca-Cola?


This singer, whose birthday is December 18, 1980, rose to fame as a "Genie in a Bottle". 

Who is Christina Aguilera?


In the 1940s, a young boy attempts to convince his parents, his teacher and Santa that a Red Ryder BB gun really is the perfect Christmas gift.

What is a Christmas Story?


This state has the shortest amount of daylight hours in the winter.

What is Alaska?


This well-known artist cut off his left ear while in a fit of depression on December 23, 1888. 

Who is Vincent van Gogh? 


Clement Moore wrote this famous Christmas poem in 1822.

What is A Visit From St. Nicholas or 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.


This pianist, born on December 16th, 1770, composed nine symphonies in his lifetime before becoming completely deaf and is widely acknowledged as the best pianist to ever live. 

Who is Ludwig van Beethoven? 


This two-part Christmas ballet was composed in 1892. 

What is the Nutcracker?


This picture features a Christmas Light Festival in this popular Washington state tourist town.

What is Leavenworth?


The 18th Amendment was repealed on December 5th, 1933, thus ending this 13-year historical time period. 

What is Prohibition? 


Santa Claus is more commonly called by this name in the United Kingdom.

What is Father Christmas?


This singer, born on December 12th, 1915, is well known for songs like Fly me to the Moon and My Way.

Who is Frank Sinatra?


This is the name of the lead character played by James Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life.

Who is George Bailey?


This state took the record in the 2018-2019 winter of the most snowfall.

What is Vermont?


The Mariner II Space Probe sent back information on this planet on December 14th, 1962.

What is Venus?


This agency officially tracks Santa Claus as he travels across the globe on December 24th.

What is NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command)?


This cartoonist was born on December 5th, 1901. He released the first full-length animated movie in 1937.

Who is Walt Disney?


A Christmas Carol has been written and reimaged in several different films. Who was the original author?

Who is Charles Dickens?


This country averages the total "longest winter" in the world.

What is Finland?


On December 18th, 1903, these two brothers achieved the first powered, controlled airplane flights. 

Who is Orville and Wilbur Wright?


St. Nicholas himself originated from this country.

What is Turkey?