Active/Armed Assailant
Major Disaster Response
Civil Disturbance
Contamination Spill/Leak
Badge Access Failure

What is an Active Assailant usually referred to as?                



What is: Active Shooter


Who will  not be allowed in treatment areas?

Who is:                                                                    Visitors will not be allowed in the treatment areas. As possible, Security personnel will close waiting areas (including Emergency Departments).




What is one of first things that need to be done during a Civil Disturbance?

What is: Notify the Emergency Communications Center.                                                  




Who should ECC notify?


Who is: Have ECC notify the Environmental Health & Safety Department (EHS)




Name at least 4 critical areas that security should respond to during an outage.

What are: Pharmacy's, Adult Behavioral Health, Pediatric Behavioral Health, Units with Medication Rooms, Safety Unit, Emergency Departments


Who will Security Services personnel cooperate and assist in the event of a hostage/armed threat situation on Medical Center property in an effort to achieve successful resolution in a timely manner.



Who is: Law Enforcement


Where will relatives and friends of disaster victims will be directed to?




What is: Main Floor, North Tower Lobby.




What should be done with the identified leadership of the group.

What is: 

                                                                               What is: Attempt to establish contact with identified leadership and determine their purpose.




What should you do at the arrival of the scene?

What is: Isolate the area in, and around the spill. Ensure everyone is kept a safe distance from the spill.




Name at least 2 areas that may require assistance during an outage.

What are: Employee Crosswalk from Hawthorne Deck, Parking Lots/Decks, perimeter entrances, Card Controlled Elevators.


How will alerts be broadcasted during an Active Shooter Incident?

What is: Overhead Announcement, and MIR 3


What will visitors not related to the disaster be asked to do. 

What is: All others will be asked to leave the hospital.




What should officers be mindful of?

What is: Personnel should be mindful that their actions   and the actions of staff may be recorded.


Who should conduct clean up of a Chemo Spill on a nursing unit?

Who is:    

affected department’s spill policy (Nursing Chemo Spill), or there will be a full HazMat Team response. The most senior EH&S experienced person on-scene will make that determination.




List at least 3 groups that the Supervisor needs to contact when the outage is confirmed.

Who is, Security Tech Support, AOC, Risk Management, Security Administration, Nursing Supervisor, and Engineering Supervisor (350)


Unarmed Security personnel will respond where during an Active Shooter? 



What is: In the direction of the event but will not enter the location of the event unless instructed by the Supervisor. Officers will minimize radio transmissions to only critical event traffic.




Who will manage the Media/Press?


Who is: Communications, Marketing and Media. Media staging will be located in the MRI Teleconferencing Center. Parking, as available, will be permitted in the MRI Lot. Media personnel will not be permitted into any facility unless directly authorized (CMM present or prior notification).




What must security NOT DUE during the protest?

 What is: Security personnel will not provide statements regarding the protest and will defer all media inquiries to Communications and Marketing.                    




Who determines if the Fire Department is needed.

Who is: EH&S personnel. 




What important alarm notifications will not report while the system is offline

What are: Panic Alarms. 

Notifications should be made to priority nursing units, I.E. Psych, PICU, NICU, ED's, etc..



Where will Armed Security personnel will respond to? 




What is: to the event in attempt to locate and neutralize the ongoing threat. Actions of armed personnel will be guided by their level of training and situational discretion in conjunction with other armed responders.




Who will maintain ED guidelines to limit visitor presence in treatment areas?                   



Who is the Security Supervisor


How should you act or speak if needed?

                                                                              What is: Maintain a non-confrontational, neutral demeanor avoiding any display of opposition or support for the protest purpose.                        





In the event a hazardous chemical spill or exposure occurs What should take place:



What is: Leave the area immediately,                           Alert others of potential hazard, Call ECC with detailed location.                 







Who will be notified if the Command Center is Requested to be activated.

Who is: EH&S                                                                   Environmental Health and Safety