... is a giant rock.
A mountain
Lava, ash and ... come out of the crater.
The largest of the Great Lakes is...
Lake Superior
A lake is a large area of water surrounded by ....
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest
The hot liquid rock inside the volcano is called...
The smallest of the Great lakes is...
Lake Ontario
Ocean Water is _____ and not safe to drink.
Mount Everest is in ...
the Himalayas
Once magma comes out, it is called...
The Great lakes are located ...
between the United States and Canada
The Sea is found where the land meets the ______.
A group of mountains is called...
a range
When a volcano can still erupt, it is a (an) ... volcano.
The Great Lakes contain ...% of the world's supply of fresh water.
River _____ is the world's longest river which passes through ____ countries.
Nile, 7
Most mountains are formed by the movement of
Tectonic plates
A volcano is formed from a crack in the Earth's ...
Name the 5 Great lakes in order from the largest to the smallest.
Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario
The beginning of a river is called the _____ and the end is known as the _____.
source, mouth