Little bit of This
Little bit of That
Reduction of Risk
Safety First
Identification for Complications of...

The stage of the nursing process where the nurse reassesses the patient's pain level after 30 minutes after administering a pain medication.

What is evaluation?


The number one way to prevent the spread of germs and infections.

What is hand washing?


Recommended time frame to turn patients who are prone to or currently have a pressure ulcer.

What is every 2 hours?


The stage of pressure ulcer where you would find intact skin that is reddened and doesn't blanch.

What is Stage I?


Examines urine for specific gravity, pH, color, protein, glucose, and ketones.

What is a urinalysis?


This population may experience developmental delays and altered musculoskeletal development when suffering from immobility.

Who are infants and young children?


This pulse is found by placing 3 fingers over the dorsum of the foot just lateral to the first metatarsal base.

What is dorsalis pedis?


When entering a patient's room we must first do this.

What is knock and introduce ourselves?


Use of open-ended questions, refraining from asking "why," and paying attention to one's tone of voice and body language are things to remember when engaging in this.

What is therapeutic communication?


Leaking urine from an overfilled bladder.

What is incontinence?


This diet contains tea, coffee, clear broths, strained clear juices, or plain jello.

What is a clear liquid diet?


A document that designates an individual who is able to give consent for healthcare treatment when the patient is no longer able.

What is power of attorney?


Complications of this type of feeding include infection, hypoglycemia, air embolism, and fluid overload.

What is TPN (total parenteral nutrition)?


This type of equipment is used to help lift a patient during a transfer.

What is a transfer belt?


Risk factors for this condition include obesity, stress, excessive alcohol consumption, salty diet, family history, diabetes, and smoking.

What is hypertension?


Invasive procedure to remove fluid from the pleural space for diagnostic purposes.

What is thoracentesis?


Following the physician's orders to refrain from eating or drinking after midnight before surgery will help prevent what risk during surgery.

What is aspiration?


Procedure to withdraw urine for testing or drainage.

What is urinary catheterization?


Coughing and deep breathing every 1-2 hours helps to prevent complications in this body system.

What is respiratory system?


These can be assessed in all 4 extremities using a reflex hammer and are graded on a scale from 0 to 5+.

What are deep tendon reflexes?


Types of this include sensorineural, conductive, or mixed.

What is hearing loss/impairment?


This segment of the EKG represents ventricular depolarization.

What is the T wave?


This type of exercise is performed in a static position, rather than in a dynamic position.

What is isometric exercise?


The proper positioning of the unconscious patient is on their side during this type of care.

What is oral care?


Coughing up of blood or blood-stained mucus from the lungs.

What is hemoptysis?