Happy Birthday, December Baby
Odds ’n’ Ends
Happened One December
Starts With an F

Born December 13, 1818, this first lady is named in this popular saying: “Other than that, Mrs. [last name], how was the play?”

Who is Mary Todd Lincoln? She was not a popular first lady. Did you know that during the Civil War, her family supported the South? After President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, her son had her temporarily committed.


You dutifully pay them every year before April 15, but Einstein called them “the hardest thing in the world to understand.”

What are income taxes? You can find the quote on the IRS website.


On December 31, 1904, New Year’s Eve was first celebrated in this popular U.S. location.

What is Times Square? Around 200,000 people attended the inaugural event. Some authorities estimate recent New Year’s Eve crowds at around two million people.


A three-letter word for a form of communication that’s barely clinging to life

 What is fax? Fax is short for facsimile.


The crocodile in Peter Pan swallowed an alarm clock belonging to this person.

Who is Captain Hook?


Born December 9, 1916, one of his most famous roles was Spartacus in the 1960 film of the same name. He also starred in the 1964 film Seven Days in May with Burt Lancaster.

Who is Kirk Douglas? His identifying characteristic is his prominent cleft chin.


Larger than a common banana, this type of banana is often used in Latin cooking, but it’s not sweet and it’s not eaten raw.

What is plantain? You cook plantains while they are still green.


On December 24, 1955, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) began tracking this individual’s journey.

Who is Santa?


Former money in France 

What is the franc? France uses the euro now.


Multiple cars, such as those belonging to a rental agency

What is fleet?


Born December 26, 1921, he is best remembered as the first host of The Tonight Show. 

Who is Steve Allen? He authored more than 50 books and composed around 5,000 pieces.


He stole Christmas in a Dr. Seuss book.

Who is the Grinch? The title is The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.


On December 19, 1843, this Charles Dickens novel was published.

What is A Christmas Carol?


A person who puts up the money for a venture

What is financier?


This literary bird is the Yukon provincial bird.

What is the raven? The bird is the subject of the famous Edgar Allan Poe poem “The Raven.”


Born December 21, 1954, she won her first Wimbledon (women’s singles) in 1974, the same year Jimmy Connors won the men’s singles.

Who is Chris Evert? She and Jimmy Connors were once engaged but didn’t marry.


Ford’s Edsel was produced during this decade.

What is the 1950s? Road and Track reported the auto failed because it was designed by committee.


On December 21, 1988, Pan Am flight 103 exploded and fell to the ground in this Scottish town.

What is Lockerbie? All 270 passengers and crew died as well as 11 people on the ground.


Used in the context of temperature rising and falling

What is fluctuate or fluctuating?


On December 8, 1949, this once-unified Asian country divided into two countries.

What is China?


Born December 25, 1887, he founded an eponymous domestic and international chain of hotels that grew to 3,600 properties, and he was once married briefly to Zsa Zsa Gabor.

 Who is Conrad Hilton?


According to this former FBI director’s biographer, he forbade his aides from walking on his shadow.

Who is J. Edgar Hoover?


On December 2, 2001, this giant energy company, based in Houston and headed by Ken Lay, went bankrupt.

What is Enron? Lay was convicted of fraud and conspiracy for the role he play


According to Merriam-Webster, “Relating to or dealing with the application of scientific knowledge to legal problems”

What is forensics? For example, it could apply to forensic medicine, science, pathologist, or experts.


Born December 31, 1869, this French artist is best known for his paintings. Although he was influenced in the pointillist style, he developed the style of distorted images known as Fauvism, which comes from the French les fauves, meaning “wild beasts.”

**Initials are HM **

Who is Henri Matisse? In addition to his paintings, he was a sculptor and penned the book Jazz.