What do you have to look at when converting decimals to fractions?
place value
0.8 & 0.80
What is Equal or Equivalent?
Convert 0.8 to a fraction.
What is
How many tenths?
What is 18 tenths?
Name two ways we use math in our daily lives.
-Measurements (Weight/mass, distance, volume, time, etc.)
-Scientific Notation
2.02 & 2 1/10
2 1/10
Convert to decimal:
2 1/100
What is 2.01?
What digit is in the tenths' place?
What is 8?
What is one reason why decimals are easier to use than fractions?
Ex: All decimals use the base ten system and are easier to compare.
decimal to fractions 0.6
0.32 & 0.3
Convert 8.73 to fractions.
What is
8 73/100?
What fraction does this show?
What is
73/100 - 4/10 =
What is
33/100 or 0.33?
decimal to fractions 0.27
13/10 & 1.2
The number to left of the decimal point is in this place.
What is one's (or unit's) place?
What place value is the 3?
What is 3 hundredths?
3.4 + 2 53/100 =
What is
5.93 or 5 93/100?
decimal to fractions 0.22
0.3 & 1/3
Convert to decimals:
3 33/100
What is 3.33?
What decimal does this show?
What is 0.38 meters?
8.29 + 5 9/10 =
What is
14.19 or 14 19/100?