What number is 1/10 of the 5 in 1,758?
975- 5 needs to be in the ones place
What is the place value of 5 in 265,714 ?
What is the value of the 6 in 284.176?
What number is 1/10 of the 5 in 4.65?
. 0.005
what is 7.6 in word from?
seven and six tenths
Which number is 10x the amount of the 5 in 657 ?
5 needs to be in the hundreds place
What number is 100x the amount of the 2 in 53,298
24,286 2 in the ten thousands
What is 1/10 of the 1 in 6,894.21?
6.921 - 1 in the thousandths
what is 10x the amount of the 7 in 78,464.8?
what is the value of 3 in 643,482 ?
. 3,000
What number is 10x the amount of the number 5 in 5,786 ?
5 in the ten thousands place
Round 267.24 to the nearest tenth?
Round 509.683 to the nearest hundredth
What is 100x the amount of the 6 in 74,489.6?
What is the value of the 9 in 641.69?
What number is 1/10 of the 5 in 25.6
24.5 answers may vary- 5 needs to be in the tenths place
round 468,756 to the nearest hundred
what is 1/100 of the 3 in 243 ?
74.13- 3 in the hundredth
what is the value of the 3 in 634 ?
what is 6.89 in word form?
.six and eighty- nine hundredths
what number is 100x the amount of 9.978?
what place value is the number 7 in 46,721
What is the value of the 6 in 7,482,743.6 ?
What is the amount of the 6 in 64,782?
what is 1/100 of the 5 in 65,098?