The decimal form of 1/2.
What is 0.5?
2.1 rounded to the nearest one
What is 2?
The number of milliliters in 2 liters.
What is 2000?
The product of 0.467 x 1,000.
What is 467?
The decimal equivalent of 3/7 (round to two decimal places.
What is 0.43?
The decimal form of 3/4.
What is 0.75?
1.485 rounded to two decimals
What is 1.49?
The number of inches in 3 feet.
What is 36?
The quotient of 32,450 divided by 1,000.
What is 32.45?
What is 56.7 x 32? (No calculators!)
What is 1814.4?
The decimal form of 1/3.
What is 0.33333333333333?
57.825 rounded to two decimals
What is 57.83?
The number of quarts in 0.75 gallons.
What is 3?
The quotient of 7200 divided by 8000.
What is 0.9?
The decimal form of pi.
What is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 (to 100 digits)?
The decimal form of 1/5
What is 0.2?
5 ninths rounded to two decimal places.
What is 0.56?
The number of ounces in 1.5 pounds.
What is 24?
The estimated product of 45.89 x 4.58.
What is 250 or What is 225?
The decimal form of 7/11 (round to two decimals)
What is 0.64?
The decimal form of 67 percent.
What is 0.67?
5 and 3 sevenths rounded to two decimal places.
What is 5.43?
The number of meters in 7.234 kilometers.
What is 7234?
What is the product of 63.78 x 23? (Calculator is not allowed)
What is 1466.94? Extra 100 points for check with estimation.
The decimal form of 9/26 (round to the nearest two decimals)
What is 0.35?