Relate tenths and decimals
Relate hundredths and decimals
Equivalent fractions and decimal
Relate fractions, decimals, and money
8/10= decimal form
What is 0.8
6/100 = decimal form
What is 0.06
7/10 ⭕ 0.07
What is >
What is yes
A symbol to separate dollars from cents?
What is decimal point
Dave's customer ordered 1 6/10 of a box of donuts. Dave needs you to change it to decimal form. What is it in decimal form?
What is 1.6
Delilah needs to make 68/100 for her brother Dave to sell. She needs to change it to decimal form to give it to Dave .What is 68/100 in decimal form?
What is 0.68
Dido is in charge of the Maple Logs for Dave's party. He needs to bake 5/10 of a batch for them. How many hundredths is he going to make in decimal form?
What is 0.50
Together Daniel and Dora have 1 dollar in quarters .They wants to separate the quarters equally. How many quarters does each child get?
What is 2 quarters
Two or more decimals that name the same amount?
What is Equivalent Decimals
Donna Del Rey is giving Decimal Dave a birthday present. She is baking 2 9/10 of a batch of donuts for Dave. What decimal describes the part of the batch Donna is making?
What is 2.9
Donatello has to deliver 1 83/100 donuts in Denmark. Dave wants Donatello to deliver the donuts in decimal form. What is the decimal form?
What is 1.83
Dikson wants Donald to give him 3 6/10 donuts. Donald only has 3.60000 are the donuts Donald has equal?
What is yes
Daisy and their little brother David have 80 cents for donuts .They want to divide it in dimes equally .How many dimes do they have each?
What is 40 dimes
One of ten equal parts?
What is tenth
Daisy has read 4 0/10 of a donut book. She needs to read 1 0/10 of the book to finish the chapter. then she wants to read another book that is 6 0/10 pages long. How many pages will she read in all? what is it in decimal form?
What is 7 or 7 0/10
Destiney bought 90/100 bag of sprinkles. She covers 10 donuts with 8/100 of the sprinkles. How many sprinkles are there left in the bag? what is this in decimal form?
What is 0.82
Daniel dabbed 80/100 tub of frosting .How many tenths of a tub of frosting? What is this in decimal form?
What is 0.8
Dante and Dobb have $10.00 in pennies. They want to split the money equally. How many cents will each boy receive? how much money is this?
What is $1000.00
One of one hundred equal parts?
What is hundredth
A number with one or more digits to the right of a decimal point?
What is decimals