Decimals - General
Decimals - Add/Subtract
Powers of 10
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Decimal Multiplication
The place value directly to the right of the decimal
What is the tenths place?
Align the place values and decimal point.
What is the first step in adding or subtracting decimals?
A number that tells how many times the base is used as a factor.
What is an exponent?
The number of zeroes in the product is equal to the number of zeroes in the factors.
What is the tens pattern (10s)?
A student in Ms. Sheppard's class whose birthday it is today.
Who is Philip Itano?
Decimals that represent the same value. Ex: 0.5 = 0.50
What are equivalent decimals?
To combine ones to makes tens, tens to make hundreds, hundreds to make thousands, and so on.
What is grouping?
When you represent a number using a base and an exponent.
What is exponential form?
The number of zeroes in the product is one more than the number of zeroes in the factors.
What is the fives pattern (5s)?
The exact same process, except one product will have a decimal point.
What is the difference between multiplying whole numbers and multiplying decimal numbers?
The form in which decimal numbers are added together by place value
What is expanded form
The method that would need to be applied to solve a problem such as: 2,004-5.43 = _____.
What is subtracting across zeroes?
The third power of ten.
What is another way to say ten raised to the third power?
An efficient method to solving multi-digit multiplication problems.
What is the "shortcut" method?
The number of decimal places in the factors will be the same as the number of decimal places in the product.
What is the rule for multiplying decimals?
Add zeroes to the end of the decimal number(s) until both numbers end at the same place value.
What is a strategy to compare two decimal numbers?
A system of measurement that aligns with place value, showing that shifting the decimal place to the right makes the value ten times larger and shifting the decimal place the left makes the value ten times smaller.
What is the metric system?
10 x 10 x 10 x 10 written using exponents.
What is 10 to the fourth power?
The products of smaller multiplication problems added together for a final product.
What are partial products?
An method to checking the product of 4 x 0.9 =3.6.
What is repeated addition?
The numbers after the decimal point that correspond to the numerator in a fraction
What is what the decimal part of a number represent?
When one operation undoes another.
What are inverse operations?
7 x 7 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 evaluated using the powers ten
What is 49 x 10 to the fourth power = 49,000?
Multiplying a sum by a factor gives the same answer as multiplying each addend by the factor and then adding the products.
What is the distributive property?
The type of number, when used as a factor, that will always result in a product that is less than the number it is being multiplied with.
What is a decimal number less than one whole?