Write the decimal in standard form:
three and forty-two hundredths
What is 3.42
Write the decimal as a fraction:
What is 5/10
(or 1/2)
Name the place value of the 2 in 1.92
What is the hundredths
Write the decimal in standard form:
One hundred seventeen and two tenths
What is 117.2
Compare the decimals using >, < or =
0.06 0.67
What is <
Write the decimal as a fraction:
What is 8/100
(or 2/25)
Write the fraction 351/100 as a decimal
What is 3.51
Name the place value of the 1 in 0.18
What is the tenths
Write the decimal in standard form:
four and twenty-three hundredths
What is 4.23
Compare the decimals using >, < or =
12.71 12.2
What is >
Write the decimal as a fraction:
What is 23/100
Name the place value of the 1 in 2.41
What is the hundredths
Write the decimal in standard form:
nine hundredths
What is 0.09
Compare the decimals using >, < or =
32.27 32.3
What is <
Write the decimal as a fraction:
What is 2 3/10
Write the fraction 88/100 as a decimal
What is 0.88
Name the place value of the 9 in 9.31
What is the ones
The average body length of a dust mite is fifteen hundredths of an inch. Write this number as a decimal.
What is 0.15
Compare the decimals using >, < or =
4.6 4.60
What is =
Write the decimal as a fraction:
What is 6 7/100