What is the value of the digit 5 in the number 0.000547?
What is 5 millionths?
What is 0.6 × 4?
What is 0.24?
What is 4.5 ÷ 3?
What is 1.5?
Name a strategy you can use when multiplying decimals.
What is using knowledge of multiplication facts to help multiply decimals less than 1 by a 1-digit whole number?
If a bottle contains 0.75 liters of juice and you pour out 0.25 liters, how much juice is left in the bottle?
What is 0.50 liters of juice left in the bottle?
Write the number 0.0009 in words.
What is nine thousandths?
Calculate 0.3 × 5.
What is 1.5?
Calculate 6.0 ÷ 2.
What is 3.0?
What is one method to estimate a decimal division?
One method to estimate a decimal division is to round both the dividend and divisor to the nearest whole number.
A store sells pencils for $0.60 each. If you buy 4 pencils, how much will you spend?
What is $2.40 for 4 pencils?
How many millionths are there in 0.0035?
What is 35 millionths?
If you multiply 8.2 x 4 what do you get?
What is 32.8?
What is 3.42 / 6?
What is 0.57?
What is one strategy to use when solving word problems?
What is underline the important words or facts?
What is highlighting what you are asked to find?
You have 3.5 meters of ribbon. If you cut it into pieces of 0.5 meters each, how many pieces do you have?
What is 7 pieces of ribbon?
If you have the number 1.234567, what digit is in the millionths place?
What is the digit 7?
What is the product of 5.354 x 6?
What is 32.124?
What is 7.735 / 7?
What is 1.105?
How can rounding help in estimating products?
Rounding helps in estimating products by simplifying the numbers to make mental calculations easier.
If a tank holds 2.4 gallons of water and you fill it with 1.8 gallons, how much more can it hold?
What is the tank can hold 0.6 gallons more?
What is one example of very small decimals in real life?
What is science?
What is measurement of insects?
What is measurement of hair?
What is measurement of a virus?
Explain how the decimal point moves in the product when multiplying.
What is you count the total number of decimal places in the factors and adjust the decimal point in the product accordingly?
How do you know when to stop dividing?
What is when there is a repeating decimal or there are no more remainders?
Share a tip for remembering how to place the decimal point in multiplication.
A tip for remembering how to place the decimal point in multiplication is to count the number of decimal places in the factors and then place the decimal point in the product accordingly.
A recipe calls for 0.75 cups of sugar. If you want to make half of the recipe, how much sugar do you need?
What is needing 0.375 cups of sugar for half the recipe?