Ordering Decimals
Comparing Decimals
Fractions & Decimals
Hodge Podge
Order the following decimals from least to greatest: 1.89, 1.0, 3.09, 3.90, 5.2
What is 1.0, 1.89, 3.09, 3.90, 5.2
Write a symbol that makes this number statement false. .08____.80
What is >.
Convert to decimal form and find the sum. 2/10 + 62/100
What is .82
Write the decimal as a fraction in simplest form. 0.8
What is 8/10 which equals 4/5 in simplest form.
Write a decimal greater than 3.94 and has a 3 in the ones place.
Answers will vary.
Write a symbol that makes this statement correct: 28/100 ____ .28
What is =.
Lisa had a Valentine’s Day party. She had 8/10 pitcher of lemonade left and 15/100 pitcher of Sprite left. How many pitchers did she have left? Your answer should be in fraction form.
What is 1 pitcher left because the amount equals 95/100.
Jason paid 4 cents for a pack of Trident gum. What fraction of a dollar represents 4 cents? Write your answer as a decimal AND a fraction.
What is 4/100 or 0.04.
Write a decimal that is less than 5.46 and has a 5 in the ones place.
Answers will vary
Use the image that your teacher will show you to compare the two decimal models. You MUST have the correct decimals and symbol in your statement to receive credit.
What is .77 > .74
Convert to fractions and add. Your answer should be in fraction form. 0.7 + 0.18
What is 88/100.
Kevin paid seventy-six cents for a can of Pepsi. Write seventy-six cents in decimal form.
What is 0.76.
Order the following decimals from greatest to least: 7.89 3.08 3.80 7.98
What is 3.08, 3.80, 7.89, 7.98
What symbol makes this statement true? 4.69_____4.60
What is >
Convert to decimal form and find the sum. Your answer should be in decimal form. 5/10 + 39/100
What is .89
Use the image your teacher shows your to answer the following question: What decimal does point L represent on the number line?
What is 0.41.
Place the following decimals in order from least to greatest: 4.80 5.08 4.6 5.8
What is 4.6, 4.80, 5.08, 5.8
What symbol makes this number statement true? 0.72____.7
What is >.
Kent had 6/10 bag of Doritos and 28/100 bag of Lay’s potato chips. How much did he have altogether? (Write your answer in fraction AND decimal form)
What is 88/100 or .88
Sam shaded the grid that your instructor will show you. Use it to answer the following questions:  a.)Write the decimal for the shaded part. b.)Write the fraction for the shaded part. c.)Show the decimal as a sum of two fractions. Must use denominators of 10, 100, or both.
a.) 0.28 b.) 28/100 c.) Answers will vary.