I need to get this decision 100% right, or I’ve failed.
No decision is wasted if I approach it with the right intentions.
My value depends on the success of my decisions.
My worth is rooted in being God’s child, not in the outcomes of my choices.
God only speaks through big, obvious signs.
God also guides me through everyday experiences and wisdom.
A mistake means I’m a failure.
Mistakes are opportunities for growth and learning.
My value is tied to how useful I am to others.
My value comes from who I am, not just what I do for others.
Fear of making the wrong choice leads to paralysis.
Embraces decisions as opportunities for growth, even if they don’t lead to expected outcomes.
Tends to overthink or dwell on past mistakes as defining moments.
Focuses on progress and learning, not perfection.
Faith means always having clarity and certainty.
Faith often means trusting God in the midst of uncertainty.
Struggles with shame and self-criticism after setbacks.
Approaches failures with curiosity and grace.
Overprioritizes others’ opinions, leading to people-pleasing or resentment.
Balances respect for others with personal boundaries.
Looks for external validation as the primary guide for decisions.
Relies on prayer, discernment, and self-awareness while trusting God’s grace to fill the gaps.
Relies on accomplishments or others’ approval for validation.
Values intrinsic worth, grounded in faith, regardless of external validation.
If God doesn’t fix this problem immediately, He must not care.
"God’s timing is perfect, and He works through every season for my good."
Avoids risk to prevent failure.
Accepts that mistakes are part of maturing and aligning more closely with God’s will.
Lets societal or relational pressures override personal desires and faith.
Recognizes that not everyone will agree, and that’s okay.
God is withholding answers until I prove I’m worthy or spiritual enough.
God’s presence gives me wisdom and peace to navigate choices."
I am defined by my failures and mistakes.
My mistakes are stepping stones to becoming who God made me to be.
I need to have full control of my life to ensure everything works out.
"I can trust God with my life, even when things feel uncertain."
What if I choose this path and regret it later?
I can only make the best decision with the information I have now, and I’ll trust God with the rest.
What if this decision hurts someone I care about?
I can make decisions with love and honesty, trusting God to bring healing where needed.
Views silence from God as a sign of failure or abandonment.
Trusts that God’s love is constant and that clarity and peace will come in time.
Struggles to forgive oneself or see personal growth beyond mistakes.
Embraces God’s grace and the opportunity to learn and mature.
"If I’m struggling, it must mean I’m not faithful enough."
"Faith doesn’t eliminate struggles; it gives me strength to face them."
What if I miss God’s will for my life?
God’s will is about my relationship with Him, not a single perfect path.
I need everyone’s approval to feel like I’m enough.
My worth isn’t tied to others’ opinions; it comes from being God’s creation.