How many words are in the Declaration of Independence?
What was Samuel Adams the leader of?
The Sons of Liberty
Who was ready in a minute?
the minute men
Four men made up the committee to write a document to gain freedom from Britain. Which man wrote most of the document?
Thomas Jefferson
What did Benjamin Franklin mean when he said, “…we must all hang together, or we shall most assuredly hang separately?”
work together or else die
A settlement ruled by another county is called a ______________.
a colony
Why did this group, dressed as Indians, dump all the British tea into the Boston Harbor?
tea taxes
What 3 things were decided at the First Continental Congress in 1774?
said right to run their own affairs, fight back, boycott British goods
Jefferson wrote an important document at 33 years of age what was it?
The Declaration of Independence.
Redcoats was the nickname for who?
The British Army
Why was a snake used to illustrate the 13 colonies in the political cartoon “Join, or Die”?
each section of snake represents colonies and snake would come back to life
The colonists had to pay Britain taxes to help pay for what?
French and Indian/ 7 year war
During the Second Continental Congress, what role was George Washington accept?
Commander of the Continental Army
Why did members of the Continental Congress take out the section on slave trade when the document was being reviewed?
Because it was important to colonial life.
What was the name of the battle, which took place in 1777, where Britain had to surrender, and it became the turning point of the war?
P. 12-13
Explain the 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence:
First: Basic Rights
Second: Complaints against the king
Third: declares independence
What was the Stamp Act of 1765?
buy special stamps another tax
During the Revolutionary Era, Benjamin Franklin was the ambassador to what country?
P. 10-11
The president of the Second Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence first. His signature was the largest. Who was he?
John Hancock
What does the idiom mean when someone asks, “Give me your John Hancock?”
P. 12-13
What does the term ‘equal’ really mean [part of the first part of the Declaration]?
all people born with equal rights
What was the Boston Massacre of 1770?
colonists and British soldiers, snowball, five people killed
P. 12-13
Why did Jefferson believe that the colonies no longer had to obey the king’s laws?
because he interfered with their rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
What date was the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence?
July 8, 1776