Events leading to declaration
Declaration of Independence
continental congress
More Declaration of Independence
This part of the government makes the laws.
What is the legislature?
This happened when the colonists starting expanding westward and the French didn't want them on their land.
What is the french and Indian War?
The second part of the Declaration Of Independence talks about this.
What are natural rights?
The first continental congress met because of these.
What were the coercive acts?
What were the 3 unalienable rights that Thomas Jefferson said are "endowed by their Creator"?
What kind of rights are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness?
This is a tax on imported goods
What is a duty?
The king made this act to help the colonists pay for the war dept. They had to put them on papers.
What is stamp act?
The complaints in the Declaration fo Independence are called this
What are grievances?
The second continental congress wrote this
What is the declaration of independence?
What did the signers of the Declaration of Independence pledge?
Lives, Fortunes, and Honor were pledged by whom?
To refuse to purchase certain products
What is a boycott?
This act put a new tax on tea, glass, lead, paints and paper but all were repealed except for the tax on tea.
What are the townshend acts?
The last part of the Declaration of Independence is known as this.
What is the Resolution of Independence?
What congress had disagreements and had to debate this issue/
What is the second continental congress?
In the last part of the Declaration of Independence (Resolution of Independence by the United States), what 3 things did the colonists declare?
1. They were free and independent States 2. They were absolved of all allegiance to the British Crown 3. All political ties between them and Great Britain ought to be totally dissolved.
An official government announcement
What is a proclamation?
These acts were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists after the tea party. The colonists called them the intolerable acts.
What are the coercive acts?
The beginning part of the constitution is called this
What is the preamble?
The first continental congress wrote this for the king.
What is a letter asking that Britain respect the colonists rights as British citizens.
What could the Free and Independent states do now that they were on their own?
Levy war, make peace with other countries, trade with countries, make friends with other countries, and everything else all other free states could do.
a person that represents a group of people in a meeting.
What is a delegate?
This was not a tax on tea but required colonists to buy tea only from the British East India Company.
What is the tea act?
Thomas Jefferson said in the declaration of independence that the role of the government was this.
What is to secure our inalienable rights.
Thomas Paine wrote this to help the colonists understand why it was important to become independent of Britain.
What is common sense?
What does "Petitioned for Redress" mean?
To formerly make a request for the King to reexamine and review what he was doing to the colonists and to ask him to STOP IT!