What is declarative programming?
Declarative programming is a programming paradigm in which a programmer defines what a program should be executed without defining how it should be realized.
From what collocation did the name of this programming language originate?
PROgramming in LOGic
What are the levels of higher education in Belarus?
Bachelor's degree – first level
Master's degree – second level
Postgraduate studies – the third level
Examples of declarative programming languages
Prolog, SQL, VRML, SVG, HTML+ CSS, Haskell, Erlang, Scala
What two types of statements exist in Prolog?
Fact, rule
What is e-waste?
E-waste, or electronic waste, is electrical and electronic equipment that’s outdated, unwanted, or broken
What are the disadvantages of declarative programming?
1)Sometimes it's hard to understand for outsiders.
2)Based on a conceptual model unfamiliar to people
3)It is difficult to take into account the characteristics of individual applications when programming
Каким значком обозначается комментарий до конца строки?
What categories is the software divided into?
1)system software
2)application software
3)tool software
What are advantages of declarative programming?
Readability/usability, Succinctness, ReuseIdempotence, Error recovery, Referential transparency, Commutativity
What is the main operation of Prolog?
The main operation of Prolog is the proof of the goals included in the statement.
Name any three proverbs in English, their literal translation and the Russian equivalent
1)Original: Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it.
Дословно: Не переходи мост, пока до него не дойдешь.
Русский аналог: Не говори «гоп», пока не перепрыгнешь.
2)Original: Don’t make a mountain out of an anthill.
Дословно: Не делай гору из муравейника.
Русский аналог: Не делай из мухи слона.
3)Original: It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Дословно: Лучше быть осторожным, чем сожалеть.
Русский аналог: Береженого Бог бережет.
What is the difference between declarative programming and imperative programming?
Imperative style is a programming style in which you describe how to achieve the desired result
Declarative style is a programming style in which you describe what kind of result you need
Where is the Prolog used?
1)natural language processing systems,
2)artificial intelligence research,
3)expert systems,ontologies and other subject areas for which the use of a logical paradigm is natural
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