Green leafy vegetables are good sources of this type of vitamins and minerals
This is called the Insensible water loss
What is water lost through perspiration and respiration?
This is how water molecules move through cell memberane
What is freely move across cell membrane?
These are all the symptom of low blood pressure
What are confusion , fainting spells and lethargy?
Obsessive-compulsive, perfectionism, socially inhibited, compliant, and emotionally restrained describe personality traits of this disorder
This organ is responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D
Most water is lost daily via this organ
This is the meaning of the term "Water has a high heat capacity"
What is water is resistant to changes in temperature?
This organ is primarily responsible for maintaining fluid balance
This is the standard criterion used for diagnosing an eating disorder
What is Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders?
What is oxalic acid?
This is needed to convert Vitamin D to its active state
What is Sunlight?
This is the meaning of "Water is known as the universal solvent"
What is most solutes (particles) will dissolve in water
Disordered eating is a general term used to describe this
What is a variety of abnormal or atypical eating behaviors?
A psychiatric condition that requires a physician's diagnosis
What is an eating disorder
The malabsorption this type of nutrition puts at risk for developing a Vitamin C deficiency, Vitamin D deficiency and mineral deficiency.
What is the malabsorption of fat?
The following experience you are MOST likely to have if you were to consume too much calcium via the diet
What is hypercalcemia?
This term is synonymous with the word malignant
The thirst mechanism will be stimulated when concentration of these increases in the blood.
What is increased concentration of solutes in the blood
Both episodes of extreme overeating and self-starvation
This nutrient serves as a cofactor to various enzymes involved in the coagulation of blood
Extracellular fluid consists the fluid found in here
What is the fluid found between the body cells?
This is the primary reason why we sweat
What is regulate body temperature?
The following will likely result if the concentration of electrolytes inside of a cell is higher than in the extracellular environment
What is the cell will burst?
This increases one's risk of developing an eating disorder
What is having a sibling with an eating disorder?