A animal that is not where it's supposed to be
What is an invasive plant?
A plant that is not where it's supposed to be
To measures how acidic an object is
What is the first step in the engineering process?
Ask, what is the problem?
What is the purpose of a claw?
To grab and hold onto props
Why are invasive species a problem?
They can reduce fish or plant population
What invasive plant makes you itch ?
Poison Ivy
What is the LEAST acidic level on the pH scale?
14 is the least acidic
What is the second step in the engineering process?
Imagine, Imagine what are some solutions
What does ROV stand for?
Remote Operated Vehicle
What can you do to prevent invasive species?
Do not release animals or plants into the wild
What makes a plant invasive
When it causes harm to the environment around it
What is the MOST acidic level on the pH scale?
0 is the most acidic
What is the third step in the engineering process?
Plan, create a plan
How many cameras do use use on our ROV?
We will be using 3 cameras
They can drive out fish or plants from their habitats.
What damage can invasive plants cause
Excess growing on objects and loss of plants
What level represents NEUTRAL level?
What is the fourth step in the engineering process?
Create, create a design
How many motors do we use on our ROV?
We use 6 motors on our ROV.
What fish is invasive to Illinois?
The Asian Carp
What is plant introduction?
The term for when plants from other places are brought to a new area.
What does pH stand for?
Potential of Hydrogen
What is the Fifth step in the engineering process?
Improve, improve off of your design
Where will the ROV competition be held ?
It will be held at the University of Houston.