Influential Compositions
Poets and Poems
British Literature
Modern Literature
Russian Literature
This book written by Charles Darwin revolutionized the study of biology.
What is "On the Origin of Species"?
This Roman poet wrote the poem "Aeneid."
Who was Virgil?
This famous playwright wrote the plays such as "King Lear" and "Macbeth."
Who was William Shakespeare?
This book centers around Marie-Laure and Werner and Jutta Pfennig and their experiences before and after World War II.
What is "All the Light We Cannot See"?
The Russian novels "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" were written by this author.
Who was Leo Tolstoy?
This book written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels denounced capitalism.
What is "The Communist Manifesto"?
This Old English Poem set in Scandinavia is one of the most important works of Old English Literature.
What is "Beowulf"?
This composition written by Geoffrey Chaucer centers around a group of pilgrims as they journey to a shrine.
What is "The Canterbury Tales"?
This book written by Cormac McCarthy follows the experiences of a father and his son in post-apocalyptic America.
What is "The Road"?
This author who wrote "The Brothers Karamazov" also wrote this book centering around Rodion Raskolnikov as he attempts to justify his murderous actions.
What is "Crime and Punishment"?
This English-American political activist wrote the revolutionary compositions of "Common Sense", "The Age of Reason", and "The Rights of Man."
Who was Thomas Paine?
This poem written by Dante Alighieri is one of the greatest works of world literature.
What is the "Divine Comedy"?
This British Enlightenment Age author wrote "Two Treatises of Government".
Who was John Locke?
This book written by Jon Krakauer documents his experience in the 1996 Mount Everest Expedition Disaster.
What is "Into Thin Air"?
This author is said to be one of the greatest short story writers in history.
Who is Anton Chekhov?
This book, also known as the "Little Red Book," was widely distributed during the Cultural Revolution.
What is "Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung"?
This nineteenth-century poet often called the father of free verse is famous for his collection of poems titled "Leaves of Grass."
Who was Walt Whitman?
This novel written by Adam Smith deals with capitalism.
What is "The Wealth of Nations"?
This book written by Jared Diamond attempts to explain why European colonial powers were able to gain dominance over the Americas.
What is "Guns, Germs, and Steel"?
This novel by Vladimir Nabokov originally written in English is about a middle-aged professor and his relationship with a young girl.
What is "Lolita"?
This book written by Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the first works of feminist literature.
What is "A Vindication of the Rights of Women"?
This famous twentieth-century Chilean poet wrote the poems "If You Forget Me" and "Ode to an Onion".
Who was Pablo Neruda?
This novel by George Orwell is about a dystopian society in which two plus two equals five.
What is "Nineteen Eighty-Four"?
This book by Donna Tartt follows the experiences of Theodore Decker and a small Dutch painting of a bird.
What is "The Goldfinch"?
This Russian author was known for his poems and fairy tales.
Who was Alexander Pushkin?