What is the first test/imaging study that should be ordered to diagnose pancreatitis in a patient with acute epigastric abdominal pain that radiates to the back?
{{c1::Serum amylase and lipase}}
Intussusception is characterized by a ________ sign appearance on ultrasound
bull's-eye (target sign)
What is the underlying cause of early decelerations on fetal heart tracing?
{{c1::Fetal head compression}}
______ is a factitious disorder characterized by a history of multiple hospital admissions and willingness to undergo invasive procedures
{{c1::Munchausen syndrome}} is a factitious disorder characterized by a history of multiple hospital admissions and willingness to undergo invasive procedures
What is the initial step in management of dumping syndrome?
What is the initial step in management of dumping syndrome?
{{c1::Dietary modification}}
What is the likely diagnosis in a patient living in a nursing facility that presents with a 2 x 1 cm skin ulcer overlying the sacral region?
{{c1::Pressure (decubitus) ulcer}}
The diagnosis of sickle cell disease can be confirmed with
{{c1::hemoglobin electrophoresis}}.
Placenta ________ is the abnormal attachment of the placenta to the myometrium, without penetrating it
Placenta {{c1::accreta}} is the abnormal attachment of the placenta to the myometrium, without penetrating it
What does SIG E CAPS stand for
Major depressive disorder is characterized by at least four "SIG E CAPS" symptoms PLUS a {{c1::depressed mood}} or {{c1::anhedonia}} for ≥ 2 weeks (duration):
S: {{c2::Sleep changes}}
I: {{c2::Interest decreases (anhedonia)}}
G: {{c2::Guilt or feelings of worthlessness}}
E: {{c2::Energy loss or fatigue}}
C: {{c3::Concentration deficit}}
A: {{c3::Appetite/weight changes}}
P: {{c3::Psychomotor retardation or agitation}}
S: {{c3::Suicidality}}
What class of analgesics may contribute to prolonged post-operative ileus?
What class of analgesics may contribute to prolonged post-operative ileus?
Which type of lung cancer is associated with hypercalcemia (ectopic PTHrP production)?
{{c1::Squamous cell carcinoma}}
What is the most common cause of inherited intellectual disability?
Fragile X
What is the most supported theory for the etiology of endometriosis?
{{c1::Retrograde menstruation}}
What is the likely diagnosis in a teenage boy that presents after having an episode of unconsciousness followed by drowsiness and headache? The symptoms started and ended quickly. Physical exam is significant for a mild rash around the patient's mouth. Routine toxicology screen is negative.
Inhalant Abuse
What initial imaging modality is used to diagnose GI perforation?
{{c1::Upright X-ray of chest and abdomen}}
What is the preferred diagnostic study for hemodynamically stable patients with normal renal function and suspected aortic dissection?
{{c1::CT angiography}}
Prominent J waves on ECG are typically indicative of _______
Very elevated levels of ________ is characteristic of menopause
Very elevated levels of {{c1::FSH}} is characteristic of menopause
To be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, patients must exhibit 3/6 of the following symptoms over course of at least 6 months (mnemonic: Worry WARTS)
To be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, patients must exhibit 3/6 of the following symptoms over course of at least 6 months (mnemonic: Worry WARTS)
- W{{c1::ound up (Irritability)}}
- W{{c2::orn out (Fatigue)}}
- A{{c3::bsentminded (Difficulty concentrating)}}
- R{{c4::estlessness}}
- T{{c5::ension in muscle}}
- S{{c6::leep disturbance}}
Fracture of which wrist bone is often complicated by median nerve compression?
Indications for acute dialysis may be remembered with the mnemonic AEIOU:
A - {{c1::Acidosis}}
E - {{c2::severe Electrolyte abnormalities}}
I - {{c3::substance Intoxication}}
O - {{c4::volume Overload}}
U - {{c5::Uremic symptoms}}
What physical exam maneuvers are used to assess for developmental dysplasia of the hip?
{{c1::Barlow and Ortolani maneuvers}}
The _______ gland is present on each side of the vaginal canal and produces mucus-like fluid that drains via ducts into the lower vestibule
The {{c1::bartholin}} gland is present on each side of the vaginal canal and produces mucus-like fluid that drains via ducts into the lower vestibule
Long-term pharmacologic treatment of alcoholism may include {{c1::naltrexone}} or ____________ , which reduce cravings
Long-term pharmacologic treatment of alcoholism may include {{c1::naltrexone}} or {{c2::acamprosate}}, which reduce cravings
What anesthetic is associated with adrenal insufficiency, especially in elderly and critically ill patients?
What anesthetic is associated with adrenal insufficiency, especially in elderly and critically ill patients?