Primitive Defense Mechanisms
Less Primitive Defense Mechanisms
Mature Defense Mechanisms
More Defense Mechanisms

An individual is asked if substance use is causing problems in their life or relationships and responds with, “No, I’m doing great at my job.”

What is denial?


Young child is bitten by a dog and later develops a severe phobia of dogs but has no memory of when or how this fear originated.

What is repression?


Person experiencing extreme anger might take up kickboxing as a means of venting frustration.

What is sublimation?


Individual is angry with partner and yells or throws something at the wall instead of talking about the angry feelings.

What is acting out?


A 40 yr. old man sick with the flu, assumes a fetal position in bed & calls his mother for a bowl of her chicken soup.

What is regression?


Individual goes off diet because their mother would be disappointed if they didn’t eat the dessert she went out of her way to make.”

What is rationalization?


Someone recovering from substance use might volunteer to help others in recovery as a way to deal with drug cravings.

What is Altruism?


Person abusing substances can no longer cope with reality and detach themselves from the real world in order to cope with their life of addiction.

What is dissociation?


An individual who dislikes a peer says, the peer never liked me anyway.

what is projection?


An individual is angry after talking to a peer, slams down the phone and calls the phone “Stupid!”.

What is displacement?


Someone recently lost their job and cracks jokes about their unemployment to cope with their feelings of embarrassment or failure.

What is humor?


Loving your partner while having an affair with someone else.

Person recognizes they are dealing with heavy emotions, and still manages to show up every day and perform well at work.

What is compartmentalization?


A man is upset with his friend. Instead of telling the friend he is upset, he gives his friend the silent treatment.

What is passive-aggression?


Individual repeatedly lists the benefits of being single instead of facing the pain of rejection after a breakup.

What is intellectualization?


A man holds back tears at his partner's funeral because men are expected to be strong.

What is suppression?


After thinking about being violent with someone, one would then be overly nice or accommodating to them.

What is undoing?


A man who feels insecure about his masculinity acts overly aggressive.

What is reaction formation?


Someone who repeatedly and unnecessarily postpones decisions or actions. For example, if a person repeatedly delays working on assignments until right before their deadline for no reason, even though they know that it would be better for them to start earlier.

What is procrastination?


Person practices and rehearses a difficult conversation before actually having it.

What is anticipation?


A person gets stuck in an elevator. They may later avoid elevators to reduce anxiety associated with the experience.

What is avoidance?