Identify the DM 1
DM Definitions
Identify the DM 2
DM examples
DM coping skills

Avoiding awareness of some painful aspect of reality (it's also a river in Egypt). 

What is denial?


A pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are unconscious and arise in response to a perceived psychic conflict or danger. 

 What are defense mechanisms?


Passive and unconscious expressions of hostility.

What is passive aggression?


You're tired of your roommate being so messy, but instead of talking to them, you do anything you can to stay away from them and pretend like there's no problems. 

What is avoidance?


Working with a licensed professional to uncover and explore your unconscious use of defense mechanisms to better manage distressing symptoms. 

What is therapy?


Completely shutting out bad memories and eventually having no recollection of them at all.

What is blocking?


What purpose do defense mechanisms serve? 

What is to reduce anxiety?


Using jokes to cover feelings associated with stress or anxiety. 

What is humor?


You were diagnosed with a serious medical condition, so you learn everything about the condition in order to avoid distress and remain distant from the diagnosis.

What is intellectualization?


When you identify when you may be using one or more defense mechanisms too often. 

What is self awareness?


unconscious behavior that is patterned after someone you believe is "better" than you. 

What is identification?


The psychologist who developed the concept of defense mechanisms. 

Who is Sigmund Freud?


helping others to deal with your negative feelings. 

What is altruism?


You found out that you got passed up for a promotion at work and you throw a temper tantrum in your boss's office. 

What is regression?


Identifying patterns and behavioral habits when you are faced with emotional dilemmas. 

What is looking for red flags?


Reversing how you feel by an action.

What is undoing?


These techniques help you to better understand and deal with thoughts, feelings, and emotions in stressful or uncomfortable situations.

What are coping skills?


Accepting a modified form of an original goal. 

What is aim inhibition?


Your sibling just told you that they hate you, instead of getting angry, you go on a run.

What is reaction formation?


Openly embracing and processing negative emotions in a non-judgmental and compassionate way in order to better understand your emotional reactions and responses. 

What is not denying negative emotions?


Not showing or displaying appropriate feelings associated with a significant event.

What is isolation of affect?


These 2 parts of the unconscious mind conflict, leading us to use defense mechanisms as a means of protection to create "mental homeostasis".

What are the Id and the Superego?


Feelings that manifest as physical symptoms.

What is somatization? 


You always dreamed of being world-famous musician, but instead you do private music lessons.

What is aim inhibition?


Taking personal responsibility for feelings or actions through honesty and open communication. 

What is not transferring blame?