Can ostriches fly?
What is pronking?
Jumping really high into the air.
What colors are the monarch butterfly ?
Orange and black, bright yellow, white and black
What does the name Armadillo mean
Little armored one
How many legs does the millipede have?
anywhere from 40-400
What is the habitat of the ostrich?
Deserts and Savannas/grasslands
What on the springbok helps it to jump high?
Its long legs
What happens to animals that eat/injest the monarch?
They get very sick
Name at least 1 way the armadillo defends itself?
1)Rolls completely into a ball
2) rolls halfway into a ball and catches a predator and snaps shut
3) with their claws
4) runs away
Where do millipedes live?
under rocks, in leaf litter, in rotting logs, and occasionally in burrows known as micro habitats
What odd defense do ostriches use?
Camouflaging into the ground by resting their head against the ground
What is one way the springbok camouflage?
They hide in the brushes or blend in
What is at least 1 predator of the monarch butterfly?
wasps, ants
What color is the armadillo?
What are the millipedes predators?
birds, badgers, rodents
What is a predator of an ostrich
Humans, cheetahs, lions, leopards, hunting dogs, hyennas
What continent do you find Springbok on
Where do monarch butterflies live?
Wherever milkweed can be found ( fields, meadows, weedy areas, marshes, roadsides, and plants)
How do armadillos hunt for food?
They use their nose since they have bad eyesight
What colors are millipedes?
Any of the colors mentioned are ok (brown, yellow, red, black, orange)
About how tall is an ostrich
What are the defense mechanisms of the springbok? Name at least 1
1) fleeing (running away fast)
2) camouflage (blending in with the brushes)
3) use their horns to fight a predator
What does the monarch butterfly eat?
What does the three banded armadillo eat? name at least 1 of its foods
mainly termites, and ants
What are the millipede defense mechanisms? Name at least 1
1) curl into a ball
2) emit a poisonous gas
3)oozes a yellow liquid