Unaccepting of reality due to painfulness of reality
Hide and control thoughts/feelings
Kara blames her partner for cheating when she was really the one who cheated.
After being diagnosed with cancer the patient keeps going for second, third, and fourth opinions
Why do we use defense mechanisms?
To protect ourselves
Putting feelings/reaction/thoughts on someone/something unrelated to the source
Adopting beliefs/attitudes/feelings opposite of your true beliefs
Reaction formation
I'm actually a hardworking person. Almost everything becomes harder when I'm the one working on it.
"No, it's okay. I'm fine."
Reaction Formation
Are defense mechanisms bad?
Both. Healthy to protect us but bad as they can hold us back from reality and prevent us from enacting beneficial change.
Focusing on helping others instead of working through own pain
Burying a painful feeling/thought from awareness that may resurface in symbolic form
Someone cuts you off and you curse and yell and slam the steering wheel
The celebrity is such an amazing person. She's perfect.
Are undoing and apologizing the same?
No, apologizing is about accepting responsibility while undoing is about making ourselves feel better by placating
Trying to reverse a thought or feeling by doing an action to signify the opposite feeling/thought
Justifying behaviors and motivations by substituting acceptable reasons
Because Karen is mad at her boss she yells at her daughter at the grocery store for playing with the magazines
"I don't remember anything from the car crash."
What's the difference between repression and sublimation?
Deliberately redirecting "unacceptable" reactions into socially acceptable channels
Attempting to avoid painful thoughts/feelings by emotionally detaching or objectifying situation
Isolation of Affect
After yelling at your partner you come home with their favorite movie to watch
A person with "anger issues" joins the military
What is the difference between projection and displacement?
Projection is thinking our thoughts/feelings are due to someone/something and have a lack of insight while displacement is being unable to communicate emotions/thoughts to actual source so we take those emotions/thoughts out on others