A, An, The, or No Article
Correct the mistakes or say "Correct"!
What is the rule? Justify the usage.
What is the rule? Justify the usage.
Did you remember to lock ____ door before we left?
Did you remember to lock THE door before we left?
(1) _________ firefighters face dangers. (2) _________ firefighters were the first to arrive at the scene of the accident.
(1) (-) Firefighters face dangers. (2) THE firefighters were the first to arrive at the scene of the accident.
Can you turn on air conditioning? It's boiling in here!
Can you turn on THE air conditioning? It's boiling in here!
______ river which runs through Paris is called the Seine.
THE river which runs through Paris is called the Seine. Rule: We use THE when it is clear what we are referring to.
Terry and I are going away _____ next weekend.
Key: Terry and I are going away (-) next weekend. Rule: We don't use any article before next/last + day, week, etc.
I shouldn't drink ____ coffee. It's bad for me.
I shouldn't drink (-) coffee. It's bad for me.
(1) _________ cigarettes kill many people every year. (2) _________ cigarette broke before I could light it.
(1) (-) Cigarettes kill many people every year. (2) THE cigarette broke before I could light it.
Jane is allergic to cats.
Jane is allergic to cats (CORRECT)
It looks as if it's going to rain. Take ____ umbrella!
It looks as if it's going to rain. Take AN umbrella! Rule: We use A/AN the first time we mention a thing or a person.
I wasn't feeling very well so I didn't go to ____ school yesterday.
I wasn't feeling very well so I didn't go to (-) school yesterday. Rule: We don't use any article with some nouns after at/to/from.
Luckily ____ people who work in my office don't talk about ____ sport all the time.
Luckily THE people who work in my office don't talk about (-) sport all the time.
I didn’t eat _________ cookie because I just don’t like _________ cookies.
I didn’t eat THE/A cookie because I just don’t like (-) cookies.
Are these keys you are looking for?
Are these THE keys you are looking for?
It's cheaper to buy _____ books online than in a shop.
It's cheaper to buy (-) books online than in a shop. Rule: We use NO ARTICLE whwn we are speaking in general.
She is going to ______ library with her friends.
She is going to THE library with her friends. Rule: We use THE with places in a town.
That sound you heard was ___ owl. ___ owl is going to hunt something.
That sound you heard was AN owl. THE owl is going to hunt something.
(1) _________ doctors recommend eating more fish. (2) _________ doctor recommended that I cut down on fats.
(1) (-) Doctors recommend eating more fish. (2) THE doctor recommended that I cut down on fats.
Calcium is a mineral.
Calcium is a mineral. (CORRECT)
What is your favourite meal on ____ Mondays? _____ breakfast or _____ lunch?
What is your favourite meal on Mondays? (-) breakfast or (-) lunch?
Rule: We use NO ARTICLE before meals, days and months.
____ sun rises from east.
THE sun rises from east. Rule: We use THE when there is only one of something.
My cousin wanted to be ___ surgeon, but he fainted at ___ sight of blood.
My cousin wanted to be A surgeon, but he fainted at THE sight of blood.
(1) _________ police officers are often the first to arrive at the scene of an accident. (2) _________ police officers encounter many dangerous events during the job.
(1) (-) police officers are often the first to arrive at the scene of an accident. (2) (-) police officers encounter many dangerous events during the job.
We wanted to go to cinema, but instead we stayed home and played games.
We wanted to go to THE cinema, but instead we stayed (-) home and played games.
___ Dominican Republic is on ___ island in ___ Caribbean.
The Dominican Republic is on an island in the Caribbean.
She is _____ nurse and she has _____ beautiful house.
She is A nurse and she has A beautiful house. Rule: We use A/AN when we say what something is and what somebody do.