Who is the man you can't see?
John Cena
Who is my favourite wrestler?
Randy Orton
"Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get". What movie is that from?
Forrest Gump
What game did you used to play that Mom couldn't stand?
What is Mommy's heritage?
Whose nickname is the American Nightmare?
Cody Rhodes
Whose birthday party is L going to on the weekend?
What movie's premise is to bring home a soldier?
Saving Private Ryan
What are you currently playing with Mitchell?
Apex Legends
What book is Mommy currently reading?
Bridgerton series
Which wrestler got a bunch of tacks in his face?
What time of day was L born?
What is the movie that's based on the only book series you own, Dad?
Lord of the Rings
What game do you not play a lot anymore?
What car does Mom have right now?
Whose nickname The Viper?
Randy Orton
What drink did I make up?
Sigma drink!
What was my favourite movie to watch in the car as a toddler?
Lion Guard
What video game did mom and dad play together when mom was pregnant?
The Witcher
Who is my mom's mom?
The Samoan Werewolf
Jacob Fatu
What is my Vavo's Portuguese name?
Maria de Graca
What is the best movie in the world that has not come out?
Dog Man
What game have you not played around in while?
What is Mommy's dream car?