Who is the server owner of Degens?
Michael (Pyro)
What was the main platform used to communicate before Discord.
Skype (if you used teamspeak, kill yourself)
What state are most of the Degens located at?
What word was Darius known to saying on repeat in the past?
N word
What is "Clash"?
a LOL monthly in-game tournament organized by Riot Games
How did the degens group meet Bree.
Off Overwatch
Explain Nick's role in the server as the "Executioner"
What is the name of the general role given to all users? (that displays on the right side of discord)
To annoy people by claiming how funny the image is. (when it clearly wasn't)
What league of legends characters makes you considered a racist.
Who is known on the server for being a "Cry Baby"? *baby crying audio*
What is Michael's alternate discord server for D&D called?
The Microverse
What animal was the profile picture of the degens server before the Manatee?
Who is the shortest Degen?
What game did most people in degens quit playing when the League of Legends phase begun?
What is the degen server owner's full legal name
Michael Nicholas de la Cruz
Name 3 people perma banned off the Degens Server
Liv, Kamryn, Darian (and other acceptable answers)
What is the opposing discord server to Degens. (hint: known for the NovaStrike)
When you're told to "Kys", what is the perfect response in retaliation?
N Word with hard R
What where the two largest Minecraft servers during our teenage years?
Mineplex and Hypixel
Name 5 Founders of Degens
Nat, Logan, Michael, Joey, Darius, Ben
What was the original purpose of the Degens server?
Pixelmon discord server
What is the name of the "General" VC in the degens server?
Kings Court
Name the band Finger Eleven's most streamed song.
What year did the minecraft server Mineplex shut down due to lack of a player base.