Equality & Equity
Roles, Positions, & Privilege

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

What is DEI?


The quality or state of having the same rights and opportunities

What is equality?


Someone who makes the commitment and effort to recognize their privilege and work in solidarity with oppressed groups in the struggle for justice. Someone who recognizes that though they are not a member of a marginalized group(s) they support, they make a concentrated effort to better understand the struggle of another’s circumstances

What is an ally?


This movement, symbolized by a three-word phrase, aims to address violence and systemic racism towards black people.

What is Black Lives Matter?


Unlikeness, variety, the practice of including people from a range different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations 

What is diversity?


The quality of being fair and impartial. Fairness or justice in the way people are treated 

What is equity?


Unearned advantages that people have based on their social identity, such as race, gender, or class

What is privilege?


A subtle, often unintentional, form of prejudice that communicates hostile, derogatory, or negative attitudes toward a marginalized group  

What is microaggression?


The practice of creating environments in which any individual or group can be and feel welcomed, respected, supported and valued to participate fully

What is inclusion?

Is a generalization about a group's characteristics, that does not consider any variation from one member of the group to the next.

What is stereotype?


This term refers to the invisible barrier to success that many women face in their careers.

What is the glass ceiling?


Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group

What is racism?


The intertwining of social identities such as gender, race, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, which result in unique experiences, opportunities, barriers or social inequality

What is intersectionality?


The process that occurs when members of a dominant group relegate a particular group (minority groups and cultures) to the edge of society by not allowing them an active voice, identity or place for the purpose of maintaining power. Marginalized groups have restricted access to resources like education and healthcare for achieving their aims

What is marginalization?


his economic theory discusses how wealth created at the top of the economic pyramid will eventually benefit those at the bottom by improving the economy as a whole.

What is trickle-down economics?


The institutional, cultural and individual set of actions and beliefs that assign differential value to people according to their socioeconomic status

What is classism?


This scenario occurs when an individual or group from one culture adopts the practices of another culture without permission.

What is cultural appropriation?


He is a famous scientist who communicated through a speech-generating device due to his disability.

Who is Stephen Hawking?


This phenomenon occurs when individuals from privileged backgrounds are more likely to be given the benefit of the doubt, leading to better outcomes in legal, educational, and professional settings.

What is the halo effect?


Hatred, aversion or prejudice against women. Can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination/objectification, denigration of women, & violence against women

What is misogyny?