Influential Americans
Notable Movements
Moments in history
Theory and practice
Just for fun

This person was a major player in the American civil rights movement. Famously, they opted to use only nonviolent resistance. A portion of the UMO campus is also named after them.  

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?


This movement went viral in 2017 over a popular social media network. Used by survivors across the country, this movement has encouraged a new age of people to speak out about sexual violence. 

What is #MeToo?


This speech, given in 1963 at the height of the American civil rights movement, was delivered by an influential figure five years before his assassination. 

What is the "I Have a Dream speech?"


This concept makes up the E in DEI, and is often confused with another popular term. 

What is equity?


This department works to promote the principles of DEI on the UMaine Campus. 

bonus points: name all three of its offices(extra bonus points if you know the room numbers)

Who is ODI?


This court justice co-founded the Women's Rights Law Reporter and the Women's Rights Project at the ACLU; during their time there, they successfully argued six landmark cases in front of the Supreme Court and helped advance nondiscrimination laws. Later in life, they were appointed to the Supreme Court by President Bill Clinton. 

Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?


Founded in Oakland, California, this group was initially intended to patrol black neighborhoods to protect residents from police brutality, later developing into an influential Marxist revolutionary group.  

Who are the Black Panthers?


This was the year that gay people were given the right to marriage in all 50 states of the US. 

(Bonus points if you can name the exact date)

What is June 26th 2015?


Social power held by those in society based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and more.

What is Privilege? 


The largest shark in the world, measuring a minimum of 18 meters in length by adulthood, and is completely non-threatening to humans. 

What is a Whale shark?


This person helped to create notable organizations such as the STAR(street transvestites action revolutionaries) and the Gay liberation front. They are often cited as the first person to throw a brick at stonewall(although by their own account this is false).

Who is Marsha "Pay it no mind" Johnson?


This group of women is most known for fighting for the right to vote in the UK

Who are the Suffragettes?


This day celebrates the date when the enslaved people of texas were finally told they were free. 

What is Juneteenth?


This concept, popularized by Kimberlé Crenshaw, states that people are made up of the sum of their identities and that our experiences are unique based on those factors. 

What is Intersectionality?


This fantasy show about storybook characters has an extremely convoluted plot, takes place in Maine, and was filmed in Canada. 

What is Once upon a time?


This Maine-grown activist is known for their artistry in basket weaving, drag performance, public service, and education. In 2020, they became the first openly transgender and two-spirit person to run for any political office in the state of Maine. 

Who is Geo Soctomah Neptune?


Founded in 1961, this organization seeks to end abuses against human rights. They focus on topics like armed conflict, child rights, discrimination, freedom of expression, and so much more. 

What is Amnesty International?


This riot, is often regarded as the start of the modern-day queer rights movement in the united states. 

What are the Stonewall riots?


This concept states that through how we're raised and the people we're exposed to, we pick up opinions or thoughts we are unaware of, that may go against our rational brain or beliefs.  

What is Unconscious Bias?


This Hawaiian fish has the 2nd longest name among all fish. 

What is the humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa(or Hawaiian/Reef Triggerfish)?


This American author is best known for their social activism, which is conveyed through their writings on oppression, women's rights, and race. Some of their most notable works include Ain't I A Woman?, teaching to Transgress, and The Will to Change. 

Who is Bell Hooks?


This relatively new global organization works to protect land rights for Indigenous peoples and local communities. Its movement is based on the principles of land recognition, poverty/hunger eradication, climate change, and justice. 

Who are Land Rights Now?


Fully ratified in August of 1920, this amendment gave all non-men the right to vote in the United States. 

What is the 19th Amendment?


ODI offers these two trainings upon request for any student organization or administration at UMaine. 

What is Safe zone and Intro to DEI?


This cryptid is one of few that inhabit the Maine wilderness, known for its large white figure, and showing up in towns just before disasters. 

What is the Spector Moose?