Scope of Practice
Principles of Delegation
Delegation Process Steps
Benefits of and Ineffective delegation

The legal document that provides guidelines about scope of practice-delegating and supervising for RN's.

What is the Nurse practice act.


The main principle of delegation.

What is only delegate tasks that are within your scope of practice for which you are responsible.


One collects data during the health history and physical examination; the other conducts a comprehensive physical assessment and develops a plan of care for the patient based on assessment findings.

 What is a key distinction between RNs and LPNs?


A benefit of delegation for the patient and healthcare.

What is patient care can be delivered efficiently while maintaining patient safety. 


The five rights of delegation.

What are the right task, right circumstances, right person, right direction/communication and right supervision/evaluation?


The type of nurse who is able to delegate to other RN's, LPN's and CNA's.

What is a Registered Nurse?


“to be answerable to oneself and others for one’s own choices, decisions, and actions as measured against a standard…”

What is accountability?


Determination of whether the delegation was successful, how the assignment was completed, and the patient results.

What is evaluation and/or feedback ?


The  benefit of delegation to the delegatee.

What is the ability to work with more complex patients and increased job satisfaction ?


Four criteria used in making a decision about what task to delegate.

What are predicability of outcomes, involves little to no modification, does not endanger the patient, and task occurs frequently?


The RN must do this prior to delegating a task to assistive personnel.

What is complete an assessment?


Possessing verifiable knowledge and skill to perform a nursing activity.

What is competence?


Professional nursing judgment, clinical reasoning, and critical decision-making.

What are things that should not be delegated?


The primary goal of delegation.

What is safe patient care?


A situation in which a patient is deteriorating but the symptoms are not noted before death.

What is failure to rescue?


“transferring to a competent individual the authority to perform a selected nursing task in a selected situation.”

What is delegation?


Monitoring the performance of the task or function and assuring compliance with standards of practice, policies, and procedures.

What is supervision?


Appropriate patient setting, available resources, and consideration of other relevant factors.

What are the right circumstances?


• Ask for the other person’s input first.

• Give credit for accomplishments and efforts.

• Ask the other individual to come up with steps for resolving the issue.

What are the three most important points of the feedback formula?


A delegate may refuse to accept delegation under this circumstance.

What is the person is not qualified to complete the task. 


The routine care, activities, and procedures that are within the authorized scope of practice of the RN or LPN or part of the routine functions of the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP).

What are assignments?


Nursing assessment is completed prior to this.

What is delegating a task?


Clear, Concise, Correct, Complete

What are the four C's on initial direction?


Assessment and planning
Surveillance and supervision
Evaluation and feedback

What steps in the delegation decision tree?


RN's are liable related to delegation in this circumstance.

What is the assignment is not made to the right person under the right circumstance.