Right Task
Right Circumstances
Right Person
Right Direction/Communication
Right Supervision/Evaluation
Your 4 year old patient needs a blood transfusion. You, the nursing care tech, and the house keeper are available. According to their scope of practice, who can do this task?
What is the nurse and the nursing care tech
A two year old patient in PICU has pulled his trach out. He is blue and unresponsive with no detectable heart rate. The nursing care tech finds the patient. What would be the appropriate response of the nursing care tech?
What is Pull the Code button and initiate CPR.
A duotube needs to be placed. The nursing student and her instructor are on the floor as well as the tech, the volunteer, and the child life team. Who can place this duotube?
What is none of the above.
A 4 month old has arrived to PICU post-code after being found unresponsive in his bed. The mother is alone and visibly upset. She states that she is just praying that her baby will be alright. What resource is available to help with difficult situation?
What is the chaplain.
You come on shift and notice on the MAR that a very important medication has not been given. The nurse from dayshift states that the patient was sleeping and he didn't want to wake them. Who is the appropriate person to give feedback to this nurse?
What is the oncoming nurse, the charge nurse, or the manager.
A urine specimen needs to be obtained from the foley catheter. The parents are in the room and the nursing tech is doing hourly rounding. Who can obtain this specimen?
What is the nurse and the nursing care tech
A newborn is about to be discharged from newborn nursery. The mom is concerned that the baby has only had two bowel movements. Mom asks the nursing care tech if this is normal. How should the nursing care tech respond?
What is "I will ask the nurse to come and review what normal bowel are for newborn babies"
A baby born at 25 weeks is finally going home from the hospital. The baby needs an algo hearing screen. The pulled nurse from PCU is availabe as well as the NICU tech. Who can do the algo hearing screen?
What is the person who is competent in algo hearing screens.
A 7 year old comes in with bruises and burns. He states that his daddy burned him with a cigarette. Who can report this to social services?
The physician is doing a lumbar puncture and you notice that he does not do a time-out and also breaks sterile technique. Who is the appropriate person to ensure a time-out occurs and quality care is give?
What is you.
The parents are sleeping on the cot with a 1 month old baby. You know that this is not safe practice. The nursing care tech and child life both come to tell you about this unsafe practice. Who can explain the Safe Sleep Initiative to the parents?
What is Child Life, nursing care tech, or nurse.
The nursing care tech on your unit was a phlebotomist at the blood center before taking a job at KCH. You need a bilirubin drawn on the patient in 425. Under what circumstances would it be appropriate to draw this lab?
What is if the nursing care tech had been checked off according to hospital standards.
A 5 year old patient arrives to the unti very dehydrated and not making tears. Her skin mottled and her peripheral perfusion is decreased. The physician has ordered a PIV stat. You have stuck twice with no success. Who are the appropriate people to call now?
What are What are Experts Experienced nurses on unit with expert IV skills Pediatric IV team Neonatal/Pediatric Critical Care Transport Team Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist
You have a question about a medication order. The resident gives you an answer but you look it up and the dose is outside the recommended range. Who would you call next to clarify the order?
What is the attending physician.
It has been a really busy day and no one has had a lunch break. Everyone decides to go to lunch at the same time. The nursing care tech is left on the floor to listen for call lights. Under what circumstances would this be appropriate?
What is none. A nurse should be on the floor at all times.
You are in the NICU and need to give Lasix IV push. The LPN and the nursing care tech are available. Who can push this medication?
What is you, the nurse.
You are a PALS or ACLS provider nurse. You are not able to get an IV on your rapidly deteriorating patient. The physician tells you to put in an I.O. (intraosseous). What is your response?
What is "I have not demonstrated competency in this procedure."
The fetus has a sudden late deceleration on the fetal monitor. You roll the mom on her left side, give her oxygen, and start bolusing fluids. Who can call the physician to let him know about the acute change in the patient?
What is the clerk, the nursing care tech, the nurse, or another physican or healthcare provider.
Who can fill out an incident report?
What is anybody.
You have been pulled to PICU to take care of a stable patient. The patient codes and is put on the ventilator. The team leader tells you that you need to keep the patient and that the respiratory therapist will do all the ventilator care for you. What is your response?
What is that I have not been trained to take care of patients on the ventilator and I am responsible for the patient's airway and not the RT. I need a different patient to take care of.
Your IV pump is beeping and the parents are pushing the call button. The nursing care tech is rounding. Who can quiet the alarm and reset the pump?
What is the nurse.
A nurse from KCH is on postpartum helping out. The mom asks the nurse to bring the baby to the room from the newborn nursery. In what circumstance would it be ok for the nurse to bring the baby to the room?
What is the nurse would have to have a yellow badge.
A Spanish speaking family has arrived to the unit. They have many questions about the child's care but do not speak English. Who are the appropriate people to help translate information to this family?
What is an approved hospital translator. Also, the health information library with approved literature to help teach the patient appropriately. KRAMES on demand also has discharge instructions in Spanish.
In the event of a fire on the unit, where the fire marshall has directed turn off of medical air and oxygen, who is authorized to instruct staff to do this task?
What is What is the charge nurse
The new nurse is precepting with a seasoned RN. The seasoned RN goes to lunch. The patient is in pain and the PCA has arrived. The experienced nurse tells the new nurse that since she has had the class that she can do it on her own. The new nurse places the medication in the PCA pump and accidently flushes the line with the full amount of Morphine. The patient quits breathing. Who is accountable for this mistake?
What is they both are.