Who were the first rulers of Delhi? 

The Tomaras


Who was the first sultan to rule Delhi? 

Qutubbudin Aybak


Which dynasty followed the Sayyid dynasty? 

The Lodhi dynasty 


Who defeated Prithviraj Chauhan 

Muhammad Ghori


Who was the most powerful Delhi Sultan? 

Alauddin Khalji


"A king cannot survive without soldiers. And soldiers cannot live without salaries." This quote is taken from which philosophy? Who wrote it?

Philosophy: The Circle of Justice

Writer: Fakhr-i Mudabbir


Who was the ruler after Illtutmish? 

Razziya Sultan


In 1236, ___________'s daughter Razziya became ______.

Sultan Iltutmish; Sultan


What is Birthright?

Privileges claimed on account of birth is called Birthright.


Which empire attacked the Delhi Sultans many times during the Khalji and Tughlaq dynasty's reign? 

The Mongols


The authors of the _______ were learned men: Secretaries, Administrators, Poets and Courters who both ______ events and advised _______ on governance emphasizing the importance of just rule.

tawarikh; recounted; rulers


What did Minhaj-i Siraj think about Razziya being the Sultan?

Minhaj-i Siraj thought that the fact that a queen being a ruler went against the ideal social order created by God.


Name the three types of taxes collected during the Sultanate period.

  1. Tax on cultivation called Kharcy and amounting to about 50% of the peasant’s yield.
  2. Tax on cattle
  3. Tax on houses.

Name the five dynasties that together made the Delhi Sultanate.

1) Early Turkish rulers (1206—1290)

2) Khalji dynasty (1290—1320)

3) Tughluq dynasty (1320—1414)

4) Sayyid dynasty (1414—1451)

5) Lodi dynasty (1451—1526).


What was the after results (advantage) that occured after Muhammad Tughluq's reign?

1) The armies of the Delhi Sultanate had marched (expand) across a large part of the subcontinent.

2) They had defeated rival armies and seized cities.

3) The Sultanate collected taxes from the peasantry and dispensed justice in its realm.


What were the four stages in the making of a manuscript?

The four stages in the making of a manuscript are:

   1) Preparing the paper

   2) Writing the text        

   3) Melting gold to highlight important words and passages

   4) Preparing the binding.


Who were the authors of tawarikh? Write in brief about them.

The authors of tawarikh were learned men. They were secretaries, administrators, poets and courtiers who recounted events as well as advised rulers on governance, emphasizing the importance of just rule.


Give two features of Khalji's reign

  1. He was a cruel ruler
  2. He expanded the empire to south india
  3. he reduced the prices of goods in the market

Fill in the blanks:

Controlling _______ towns in distant Bengal and ____ from Delhi was extremely difficult. Rebellion, war or even bad weather could ____ fragile ___________ routes. 

garrison towns; Sind; snap; communication


What were the steps taken to ensure that muqtis performed their duties? Why do you think they may have wanted to defy the orders of the Sultans?

Steps taken to ensure that the muqtis performed their duties well:

  1. Appointment of accountants to check the amount collected by the muqtis.
  2. Collection of revenues only which were prescribed by the state, not more than that in any circumstances.
  3. Fixation of limit to keep the required number of soldiers.
  4. They might be shifted to another area
  5. Their appointment was temporary.