Which ruler first established his or her capital at Delhi?
Tomara Rajputs
Who defeated the Tomara Rajputs?
Alauddin Khalji
Why was Raziyya removed from the throne?
She was removed from the throne because the people were not comfortable of having a women rule over them and wasnt favourable by others.
Why did the early Delhi Sultans favour their slaves?
The slaves were totally dependent on their master. Therefore the Sultan could trust and rely upon them.
What are iqtas?
Iqta was an assignment of revenues of a defined area of land in return of services rendered.
What was the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans?
What was the duty of the muqtis?
The duly of the muqtis was to lead military campaigns and maintain law and order in their iqtas
Why did the authors of tawarikh write their histories for Sultans?
The hopes for rich rewards give by the ruler
Name the three types of taxes collected during the Sultanate period.
1) Tax on cultivation called kharaj and amounting to about 50% of the peasant’s produce. 2) Tax on cattle. 3) Tax on houses.
Name the five dynasties that together made the Delhi Sultanate.
Early Turkish Rulers/Slave Dynasty, Khalji Dynasty, Tughlaq Dynasty, Sayyid Dynasty and Lodi Dynasty
Why were accountants appointed by the state?
They were appointed to check the amount of revenue collected by the muqtis.
From which country did Ibn Battuta travel to India?
Ibn Battuta belonged to Morocco, Africa and travelled to India.
What was the Sur Dynasty? How much years did it rule for?
The Sur Empire was an Afghan dynasty that ruled the North Indian subcontinent between 1540 and 1556 and had Sasaram, in modern-day Bihar, serving as its capital.It was founded by Sher Shah Sur and ruled for 15 years
What is bandagan? Explain why were the tawarikhs not happy about it
Bandagan is a Persian term used for special slaves who are purchased for military service. They were carefully trained to man some of the most important political offices in the kingdom. The tawarikhs were not happy about it because they gave people who were born from humble birth to high political roles