What is this sports organization?
are a heart-shaped, brightly red, sweet, juicy edible fruit with hardened seed-like achenes dotting the outer skin of the fruit.
True or False: Santa Fe is the capital of New Mexico
The show was created in the wake of the Josh Duggar molestation controversy and subsequent cancellation of 19 Kids and Counting. The show follows the lives of the older Duggar children, with the early episodes focusing specifically on Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald.
Counting On
When life gives you lemons ...
make lemonade
True or False: FIFA stands for ... Fédération Internationale de Football Association
I just got my shot, so now I am v_ _ _ _ n_ _e _.
What is the capital of Texas?
a reality television show that follows couples who have applied for or received a K-1 visa, available uniquely to foreign fiancés of U.S. citizens, and therefore have 90 days to marry each other.
90 Day Fiance
An apple a day ...
Keeps the doctor away
The NHL is focused on what sport?
What is this?
What is Utah's capital?
Salt Lake City
is an activity that combines shopping skills with couponing in an attempt to save as much money as possible while accumulating the most groceries.
Extreme Couponing
Fool me once shame on me ...
Fool me twice shame on you
How many NFL teams are there?
My favorite fruit to eat is _a _t _ _ o _ _ _.
Which state capital is the most populated?
- Sacramento California -Pheonix Arizona
- Boston Massachusetts -Tallahassee Florida
- Columbus Ohio - Bismarck North Dakota
Pheonix Arizona
The cartoon misadventures of four babies and their snotty older cousin as they face the things in life they don't understand.
If at first, you don't succeed ...
Try, Try Again
The Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Lakers, San Antonio Spurs, and Miami Heat are all teams from what sports organization?
They can be found on rocky cliffs or sandy shoals on land, on wave-swept reefs in the sea, and at entrances to harbors and bays. They serve to warn mariners of dangerous shallows and perilous rocky coasts, and they help guide vessels safely into and out of harbors.
Albany is the capital of what state?
New York
The show features a group of contestants deliberately marooned in an isolated location, where they must provide food, water, fire, and shelter for themselves. They compete in challenges for awards and immunity. One by one they get eliminated, what show is this?
If you can't stand the heat ...
Get out of the kitchen