Who won the 2024 NBA Finals?
Boston Celtics
Who are the level leads for the delta level?
Lakita and DeMarco
What is the delta level color?
The popular song, "they not like us" is a diss on who?
The popular catchphrases, "U Can't C Me" is used by who?
John Cena
Which fraternity is Breond apart of?
Kappa Alpha Psi
What does the delta level focus on?
College Preparation
Started out as a dvd rental company, latered became one of the most popular streaming services in the world. What streaming service is this?
What year was the Carolina Panthers founded?
Name all 5 trainer 2's on the delta level?
Zahir, Mekhi, Jalen, Tahnija, and Jalyn
What are the 3 colleges that we will be touring tomorrow?
Morgan, Coppin, John Hopkins
Premiered in 2009, this show told the story of a family living in the gutters of Chicago and went to have 11 seasons. what show is this?
How many singles titles have Coco Gauff won?
This staff member is a NCAT scholar
What is your Friday assignment?
Ward Scavenger Hunt
Who are the only 3 black women to win AOTY at the Grammys
Nataile Cole, Whiteny Houston, and Lauryn Hill
Who won the first ever WNBA championship?
Houston Comets
this staffer is an inspiring artist
When are the delta level portfolios due?
July 25th
What year did lady gaga wear her iconic meat dress to the VMAs?