When was Delta Sigma Pi founded?
November 7, 1907.
When is it okay to be late to a professional meeting?
Never! Always aim to be 5-10 minutes early!
How many Greek letters are there?
24 greek letters
What does GDP stand for?
Gross Domestic Product.
Who is an only child?
Where was Delta Sigma Pi founded?
New York University (NYU), School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance.
What is the STAR method used for?
Structuring answers in behavioral interviews (Situation, Task, Action, Result).
How many collegiate chapters of DSP are there in the U.S.?
Over 300.
What is the law of supply and demand?
As demand increases, price increases; as supply increases, price decreases.
What is delegation?
Assigning tasks to team members based on their strengths.
Who were the four founders of Delta Sigma Pi?
Alexander Frank Makay, Henry Albert Tienken, Harold Valentine Jacobs, and Alfred Moysello.
What should you do after a networking event?
Send a follow-up email or LinkedIn message to maintain the connection.
What is the highest governing body of Delta Sigma Pi?
The Grand Chapter Congress.
What is the difference between a stock and a bond?
A stock represents ownership in a company; a bond is a loan to a company or government.
What is the 80/20 rule in productivity?
80% of results come from 20% of efforts.
What are the official colors of Delta Sigma Pi?
Royal purple and old gold.
What is the recommended length for a student or recent graduate’s resume?
One page.
What does each letter in LEAD stand for?
LEAD (Leadership, Excellence, Academics, and Development) School and LEAD Provincial Conference.
What does ROI stand for in business?
Return on Investment.
Name current Rho Brothers
Abraham, Ellen, Karla, Brandon, Octavio, Isaac, Angel, Isabella, Jocelyn, Nolberth
What is the name of Delta Sigma Pi’s official magazine?
What attire would be considered business casual?
Slacks or khakis, a collared shirt, and dress shoes for men. Blouse, dress pants or skirt, and closed-toe shoes for women. No jeans or sneakers!
What does each Greek letter symbolize in Delta Sigma Pi?
Δ-Help Σ-Silence Π-Unity
What is the Federal Reserve’s primary function?
Regulating the U.S. monetary system and controlling inflation.
Name the active Pi Brothers
Crhystian, Kanchana, Noah, Miran