Bonus Questions
This Pin was designed by the _______ Chapter a the Ohio State University and adopted in 1920. The sides represent mind, body and spirit.
What is the Pyramid Pin.
What are the Sorority's official colors?
What is Crimson and Cream.
This seal is the a seal which is a circular engraving with Delta Sigma Theta Grand Chapter surrounding the crest. It is displayed on the front of the podium when the Grand Chapter is in session at the National Conventions and Regional Conferences.
What is the Sorority Seal.
What is the Sorority emblem?
What is Goddess Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom.
Where is the Sorority Pin and Pyramid Pin worn?
What is over your heart.
This pin is a replica of sculpture at Howard University.
What is the Fortitude Pin.
What are the pyramid colors?
What is white and red.
This seal is displayed at the National President's suite during a National Convention.
What is the Presidential Seal.
What is "Intelligence is the Torch of Wisdom".
What is the Sorority's Public Motto.
What colors robes do Jewels wear?
What is crimson or red.
This pin was designed by Founder (________) This pin is worn over the heart, only by a duly initiated member of the Sorority.
What is the Sorority Pin.
What is the sorority flower?
What is the African Violet.
This is the official coat of arms of the Sorority. It was designed by F. Ailene Marks and Past National President Jeanette Triplett Jones.
What is the Sorority Crest.
The Pyramid public motto is...
What is "Scholarship, Fellowship, Service and a desire to attain all that would ennoble".
What does the Torch of Wisdom symbolize? What color is this candle and when do we use the candle?
What is the public motto, red, and during any ritual ceremonies.
This Pin was created in recognition of contributions of $1000 or more to DREF. This pin can be worn as a pendant.
What is the Diamond Jubilee Pin.
What is the Pyramid Flower?
What is a peppermint carnation.
When was the Sorority Crest authorized? Who authorized it?
What is 1934 and the National Executive Committee.
The Sorority vow is?
What is "Membership in Delta Sigma Theta is a Lifetime Commitment."
What are the Nine Cardinal Virtues of the Sorority?
What is Courtesy, Compassion, Dedication, Fellowship, Fidelity, Honesty, Justice, Purity, and Temperance.
Describe the what the Sorority Pin looks like and what each part symbolizes or represents.
What is comprised of 3 Greek letters, Delta, Sigma and Theta. The 9 jewels in the Sigma represent the Nine Cardinal Principles. Each corner of the Sigma contains a pearl dedicated to the Founders of Delta Sigma Theta.
What is the significance of the why Delta Sigma Theta chose the African Violet as the official flower?
What is because it grows at the corners of the earth. (can be seen everywhere)
What are the parts of the Sorority Crest and what do they represent?
What is the Minerva (Goddess of Wisdom), the shield, the torch, the sword(representing truth), the staff(represents intelligent leadership), the Delta Sigma Theta,and the Laurel Wreath which is the symbol of achievement, mark of honor, fame, distinction, glory and victory as used by the Greeks.
These are never written, but are transmitted orally from one Delta to another. When do you learn these?
What is the secret motto, the handshake, the distress signal and the Delta knock. One will learn them at the time of initiation into the sorority.
Name 4 different stanzas/sentences from the Delta Oath...verbatim.
What is....the Delta Oath.