In the Beginning
Because of Them
It's All Greek to Me
She Did That
Who are We

Date and location of the 1st National Convention. Significant event that occured.

What is December 27-30, 1919 and Washington, DC? What is Grand Chapter created?


Name founders 1-4 of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and state something significant about each.

Who are Osceola Macarthy Adams, Marguerite Young Alexander, Winona Cargile Alexander and Ethel Cuff Black?


What are Alpha, Beta Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta?


Composed and wrote the Delta Hymn and in what year.

Who are Big Sisters Alice Dunbara-Nelson and Florence Cole Talbert and in 1924.?


Shall be designated by the letters of the Greek alphabet beginning with Alpha and ending with Omega. 

What are Collegiate Chapters?


Name the year and historic event that occured in 1920 and 1921.

What is 1920, graduate chapters were authorized and 1921, May Week established?


Name founders 5-9 of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and state something significant about each.

Who are Bertha Pitts Campbell, Zephyr Chisom Carter, Edna Brown Coleman, Jessie McGuire Dent and Frederica Chase Dodd?


What are Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega?


First to be inducted as honorary members of DST in 1919.

Who are Nannie H. Burroughs, Gabrielle Pelham and Mary Church Terrell?


Sing the Pyramid Hymn.

What is . . .?


Name and year of the Sorority's early public service project.

What is adopted the Children's Ward at Freeman's Hospital in 1913?


Name founders 10-14 of Delta Sigam Theta Sorority, Inc. and state something significant about each.

Who are Myra Davis Hemmings, Olive C. Jones, Jimmie Bugg Middleton, Pauline Oberdorfer Minor and Vashti Turley Murphy?


What are Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu?


Year and Chapter that adopted Jabbewock.

What is Iota Chapter in 1925?


Nomenclature for Alumnae Chapters.

What is shall be identified by the name of the city and state in which it is located or incorporates official name of municipality or locale?


Alpha chapter granted certificate of incorporation.

What is February 18, 1913?


Name founders 15-18 of Delta Sigam Theta Sorority, Inc. and state something significant about each.

Who are Naomi Sewell Richardson, Mamie Reddy Rose, Eliza Pearl Shippen and Florence Letcher Toms?


What are Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma?


1935. 1939.

What is committee established to revise the Ritual -and ratified at the 1939 National Convention?


State the mission statement of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is an organization of college educated women committed to the constructive development of its members and to public service with a primary focus on the Black community.


1930.  1934.  1935

1930 - What is Delta Sigma Theta was incorporated by a record of incorporation filed in the Library of Congress in Washington, DC?

1934 - What is First National Handbook published?

1935 - What is Committee established to revise the Ritual – ratified at the 1939 National Convention?


Name founders 19-22 of Delta Sigam Theta Sorority, Inc. and state something significant about each.

What are Ethel Carr Watson, Wertie Blackwell Weaver, Madree Penn White and Edith Motte Young?


Sing the Alphabet Song.

What is . . .?


In 1912 she presented the idea of changing the sorority ideals to the Sorority’s president, Big Sister Founder Myra Davis Hemmings.

Who is Big Sister Founder Madree Penn White?



Recite the Delta Oath.

What is . . .?