as of right now, who is the youngest in the family tree?
Where in Tennessee did uncle Gus used to live in?
what month and year is manong graduating?
what song/phrase was sung to put chippy to sleep?
" a ding a ding...."
What is Audrey to cyla?
Where did we hike that one time?
Falls creek falls
on the Filipino equivalent of the ACT, what percent did mom get? (Out of 100)
Before chippy was born, who was the number 1 maoy?
who is the middle child of Lola's seven children?
Uncle Bert
finish the phrase "one out of six children are _________"
"spoiled, I'm not spoiled"
what year is kris going to graduate in ?
finish the phrase "it's so easy a ______________"
"monkey can do it"
how old is lola at the end of this year?
What significant thing meant for us to turn right into Kris old neighborhood?
what grade was chippy in when the pandemic hit?
What would we do to make chippy feel better when she was sad? (“game”)
When she touched us we would run away like she was repelling us
as of right now, how many grandchildren does lola have?
What year and where did cyleene drop auntie Anne’s?
While waiting for the escape room for Kris bday in Opryland Mall, 2021
What is the name of the Santa looking substitute in station camp middle school?
Coach battle
How much did cyleene weigh when she was born?
3lbs and 11 ounces