What document is considered the foundation of parliamentarism in England?
A central public space in ancient Greek city-states that served as the center of business, social and political life in the city was called...
Who is considered the founder of Athenian democracy?
Who are considered to be the founders of Rome?
Romulus and Remus
How was the conflict between patricians and plebeians resolved?
Laws of the 12 Tables + tribunes
Why could we consider the Golden Bull of Andrew II as a step towards a more democratic rule in Medieval Hungary?
limited the powers of the king & guaranteed the rights of the nobles
A political system where a small group of people hold power because of their wealth is called...
How did Cleisthenes make Athens even more democratic than Solon did?
citizens divided not based on property but tribe => more poor people's power
What do we call the oldest period of Rome?
Roman Kingdom
In times of peace which magistrate was the head of executive power?
2 consuls
Compare the Magna Carta and the Golden Bull of Andrew II. Which is more democratic?
Magna Carta - guaranteed the rights of burgers and clergy as well, such as not to be imprisoned without a court decision
GBoAII - only nobles' rights
A political system considered a stepping stone to democracy is called...
How did Pericles make it possible for even the poor to hold public offices (2 ways)?
ppl selected based on skill not wealth
wages for public officers
What were the 2 main social classes in Rome?
patricians and plebeians
Who could become a senator in the Roman Republic and for how long?
only patricians, for life
Compare matriarchy typical for hunters and gatherers in Prehistory and patriarchy that developed afterwards.
not a mirror image, matriarchy more egalitarian
What is the difference between aristocracy and oligarchy?
aristocacy - small group with power because of their origin
oligrachy - small group with power bause of their wealth
Compare the use of the term populist in Ancient Athens (Pericles) and today.
both: ordinary people vs the elites
Athens: elites = rich aristocrats
today: elites = also scientists and intelligentsia
Who was the first Roman Emperor?
Octavius Augustus
What makes modern republics (such as Slovak R.) more democractic than the Roman R.
women + clearer division of the branches of power
Explain what elements of medieval towns were democratic.
personal freedom of burgers; elected their own mayor, city council; trade and business privileges
What is the difference between monarchy and tyranny?
monarchy: ruler by origin + absolute power
tyranny: ruler installed and supported by the people + ruling for the people
How can an individual resist a demogogue?
not to be carried away or manipulated by emotions, prejudices...
How did the Roman Kingdom end?
Patricians deposed the king and founded the Republic and the senate
Give an argument in favour and against the assassination of Julius Caesar as a way to defend the republic.
+ he was dictator for life, all power in his hands
- his assassination led to the end of republic...