Definitions from Democracy/ American Revolution
Definitions from Democracy/French Revolution
Democracy/American Revolution
Democracy/French Revolution

What is the definition of the word "Boycott?"

A refusal to buy or use goods and services.


What is the definition of a "Guillotine?" 

A machine for beheading people, used as a means of execution during the French Revolution.


Why was the constitution needed in the colonies? What kind of government did it now give the colonies? 

needed to unite the 13 colonies since each state had been doing its own thing, it laid out a new strong central government 


What happened during the Storming of Bastille? 

Destruction of the prison (a symbol of the monarchy) by the common people of France seen as the true start of the French Revolution.


What is the definition of the word "democracy?" 

form of government in which citizens hold political power


Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?

a French general and political leader who became emperor of the French


How did the French and Indian War prepare American Colonists for the American Revolution in later years (2 ways)?

1. Helped ready the colonies for conflict

2. Provided battle experience to colonists who would fight later in the revolutionary war


What is a monarchy?

A government ruled by a king or queen


What is the definition of the "French and Indian War?"

(1754-1763) War fought in the colonies between the English+American colonists and the French+Indians for possession of land. The English won.


Who was Louis XVI (16th)? 

King of France who was overthrown with the French Revolution (killed by the guillotine)


What 2 things did the British do to anger the colonists?

1. British raised taxes on imports

2. British did not allow colonists to have a say in the government 


What happened during the Reign of Terror in France? 

(1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed for "disloyalty" to the revolution 


What is the definition of the "American Revolution?"

the war between Great Britain and its American colonies, 1775-83, by which the colonies won their independence.


What is the definition of the "National Assembly?"

Called first as the Estates General, the three estates came together and demanded radical change.


What were the 3 ways colonists fought back/rebelled against the British leading up to the American Revolution? 

1. protested tax laws by rioting 

2. destroyed British goods

3.boycotted British goods 


What 2 conditions led to Napoleon Bonaparte assuming power in France?

1. He was a powerful and charming leader, well liked

2. France was weak with a new weak government installed 

3.. Saw the unpopularity of Frances new government and saw it as an opportunity to rule 


What is the definition of the "Declaration of Independence?"

the document explaining the colonists reasons for wanting to break away from Great Britain


What is the definition of the "Estates General?"

An assembly of representatives from all three of the estates, or social classes, in France.


What role did the rule of law serve in the early United States?

The rule of law was important in America's government that the law itself had more power than any leader  

What are the 3 main events that marked the beginning of the French Revolution? 

1. the formation of the National Assembly (when the estates came together)

2. the National Assembly's defiance of the King/monarchy 

3.the storming of Bastille