Hungarian political party that has been in power since 2010
Right-wing Polish political party that was in power from 2015 to 2023
An extension of populism where politicians cast “the people” as part of an ethnicity, culture, nation, religion, civilisation and/or race that is under threat and promise to defend it
What EU institutions is responsible for launching infringement proceedings against member states for breaching EU laws
In 2022, Hungary vetoed an €18B aid package to which country?
What does PiS translate to? (Polish or English translation)
Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
Law and Justice
In addition to Hungary & Poland, what was the 3rd country that Professor Vachudova frequently referenced in 'Ethnopopulism and democratic backsliding in Central Europe' (2020)
the Czech Republic
How many anti-corruption and judicial independence reforms did the EU require Hungary to make in order to receive their frozen EU funds in 2022
Hungarian university that was forced out of the country in 2017
Central European University
Poland's current prime minister and former President of the European Council
Donald Tusk
Ethnopopulists in Eastern Europe often portray which group as a threat to their national identity
Muslim refugees and/or immigrants
What process is used to suspend governments' EU voting rights when theres been a breach of fundamental EU values
Article 7
What kind of democracy did Viktor Orbán famously describe Hungary as
an Illiberal Democracy
In 2022, Poland's government showed signs of moving closer to the EU by allowing which suspended judge to return to work after 2 years
Igor Tuleya
Populist Czech political party that was in power from 2017 to 2021
ANO 2011
What is a country (3 were mentioned) that Ekiert suggests could be a source of future enlargement to contain Russia at the end of 'Dilemmas of Europeanization: Eastern and Central Europe after the EU Enlargement' (2008).