What color is the sun?
Sa delttho
I am wise and can build a protective shelter. I work around the clock with very little break. I represent wisdom.
When I sing and dance i am feeling
seba horelya
On this month we celebrate Valentines day
det'anchogh zá / xaya
setthigha delzen
My hair is balck
what color are bats
I soar high above and most Indigenous people say I am closer to the Creator. I represent love.
when I don't feel like doing anything i am feeling
On this month we celebrate Orange Shirt Day and learn about Truth and Reconciliation
denı́e ełk'enádé zá / xaiyet'azi
gah bedzaghe necha
the rabbit has big ears
what color are apples
I howl at the moon. I roam as a pack and I am protective. I represent humility.
when I don't get my way or someone gets in my way I may feel
On this month we learn about Indigenous Veterans Day, Metis Week and Rock your Mocs
ɂets'él zá / xaiyet'azi
hotı́é sedzı́é ɂá neghąnıtą
I really love you with all my heart
what color are fall leaves
jik'os lahot'i, t'anchay lahot'i, del'kos, delttho
I am strong, powerful and very protective. I am fearless. I also hibernate for the winter. I represent courage.
When I stay up late and have to get up early I feel
We celebrate Treaty days on this month? Which season am I
eghézé yéhólı̨ zá / sine
bechené chu beké chu dáeya
His arms and feet hurt
Name the rainbow colors
delko's, jikos lahoti, delttho, t'anchay lahoti, jietue lahoti, dehtles
We follow the 7 sacred teachings. each teaching is a lesson that we must learn to achieve through using these 7 sacred animals.
Tsá,det'anchoghe, nunoe, sas, beka nacha dene, ejere, gu'dettheni
when my body aches with pain I feel
eya hesli
What are the four seasons
łuk'e, sine, xaiyet'azi, xaye
kozigal, yis danigha nida
come here, come inside and sit down