Ticket is terminated due to death of the ticketholder. Last payable month = month before death.
Ticketholder's Ticket has terminated due to death. Last payable month is MM/YYYY.
A payment request fax/mail/portal is submitted by EN #1 assigned to the Ticket and the claim month or work case type was already paid to EN #2 assigned to the Ticket.
Duplicate payment request. Payment type (P1MX or P2MX or Out) was previously paid on MM/DD/YYYY to the other EN
A Portal case states "earnings already proven" but after review of the case the earnings for that claim are below SGA for processing Ph2/Ms or Outcomes. Also, when the earnings are SGA but below Blind-SGA for Ph2/Ms or Outcomes.
Earnings on SSA record are below Substantial Gainful Activity/Blind Substantial Gainful Activity (for 20XX=$000.00).
There are not enough earnings for a P1M1 either Trial Work Level or not within the 1/2 Trial Work Level parameters.
Earnings are below the required Trial Work level amount for a P1M1 payment and neither of the two following months have TWL.
The EN contract is terminated but the EN sent in a payment request.
EN's contract has been terminated. Not eligible for payment.
A CDR-M has caused the Ticket to terminate and you have received the last payable month from ^OESP automation and/or the last payable month is already listed in the ticketholder alert and you can no longer pay on the Ticket.
Ticketholder's Ticket has terminated due to medical cessation of Federal benefits. Last payable month is MM/YYYY
A payment request fax/mail is submitted more than once for the same claim month and the first work case created was the work case used to process and pay the claim month.
Duplicate payment request. Claim month MM/YYYY or Payment type (P1MX or P2MX or Out) was paid on MM/DD/YYYY
Earnings posted to NDNH/OCSE are retirement or pension earnings (earnings populate to OCSE but not to SEQY) If unsure please check with management.
Earnings on SSA record are listed as a form of pension/retirement earnings. These are not considered work earnings.
An outreach email is sent to an EN because SSA record does not show valid earnings and the EN responds stating that they do not have primary evidence such as paystubs to submit. (Example: this issue has been coming up with ERS recently in 2018)
EN responded to earnings outreach email stating that they do not have primary evidence of earnings to submit.
EN not potentially eligible for payment until the first month after the Ticket assignment date.
Claim not payable until first month after Ticket assignment date. EN not eligible for potential payment until MM/YYYY.
Ticket is terminated due to the ticketholder reaching full retirement age. Last payable month = month ticketholder reaches FRA
Ticketholder has reached full retirement age. Last payable month is MM/YYYY.
Duplicate request. EN submitted multiple requests for the (same month or payment type) via the Ticket Portal. Claim month will be processed with SSA ref XXXXX
An EN submits a Portal case for the same month multiple times but the other case has not yet been processed to completion
The evidence of earnings submitted by the EN are below SGA for processing Ph2/Ms or Outcomes. Also, when the earnings are SGA but below Blind-SGA for Ph2/Ms or Outcomes.
1. Earnings submitted by EN are below Substantial Gainful Activity/Blind Substantial Gainful Activity (for 20XX=$000.00).
ENs do not submit claims with TWL earnings for Phase 1 Milestones within the required timeframe 3 out of 6; 6 out of 12; 9 out of 18
EN needs to submit claims months within the required timeframe with TWL earnings. (P1M2: 3 out of 6 months at TWL; P1M3: 6 out of 12 months at TWL ; P1M4: 9 out of 18 months at TWL.)
The maximum Outcome payment has already been paid. (When the maximum payment is processed, iTOPSS will show an alert and the Ticket should terminate automatically with the pay date)
The EN received the maximum number of Outcome payments at claim month MM/YYYY. No more Outcome payments can be made on this Ticket.
You contact ^OESP Automation because the ticketholder Ticket is terminated and the response is that the ticketholder elected to receive early retirement benefits
Ticketholder's Ticket has terminated because they have elected to receive retirement benefits. Last payable month is MM/YYYY.
The EN submits multiple months leading up to a P1M4 but the last of the months is the attainment month. Deny the months leading up to the attainment month, and process the actual attainment month
Duplicate payment request. EN submitted multiple requests for the (same month or payment type) via the Ticket Portal. Claim month paid with SSA ref XXXXX
An EN submits SEI/1099 (earnings that do not show FICA) and there are no earnings on SSA record yet. No certification payments are being accepted after 7/31/2015
Self-Employment earnings are not posted to SSA record at this time. Please submit at a later date for processing
Earnings posted to NDNH/OCSE are retirement or pension earnings (earnings populate to OCSE but not to SEQY) If unsure please check with management.
Earnings on SSA record are listed as a form of pension/retirement earnings. These are not considered work earnings.
The maximum number of Phase 2 Milestone payments were made on this Ticket and the ticketholder is not yet eligible for Outcome payments. Example: Title 2 ticketholder received Ph2M11 and they are still receiving Federal cash benefits.
Maximum number of Phase 2 Milestones paid. No more payments until ticketholder is no longer receiving Federal cash benefits due to work and earnings.
Ticket is terminated due to the ticketholder reaching age 65 on the SSR. Last payable month = month ticketholder reaches age 65
SSI Ticketholder reached age 65. Last payable month is MM/YYYY.
An EN requests a Phase 2 Milestone payment for a month that was already used towards the count of a Phase 1 payment.
Claim month (MM/YYYY) used to satisfy (P1MXX) at (MM/YYYY)
You are unable to make a payment because the earnings provided via QBER/OCSE are DFAS earnings (earnings populate to OCSE but not to SEQY - follow DFAS huddle instructions).
Earnings on SSA record are listed as Defense Finance and Accounting Services which is Retired Military pay. These are not considered work earnings.
Use when claim month is for a year that has not yet posted yet and EN is using "already proven" earnings. Example: 02/2023 is the claim month but 2023 is not posted to IRS data yet or NDNH yet.
Earnings for claim months in (20XX) are not on SSA record yet. EN will need to submit earnings.
Ticketholder unassigns the Ticket and the EN has 18 months to request the available number of payments per the COS determination. Once the 18 months expire the EN can no longer request payments.
Request for payments is outside the allowed 18 months an EN has to request payments after the ticketholder is the unassignment requestor.