6-10 months
What are the mandibular central incisors?
6 years old
teeth with lingual pits, function includes cutting food
what are anterior teeth?
sliding hinge connecting jawbones to the skull
what is the TMJ?
trauma to ameloblasts during birth, creating this accentuated incremental line
what is the neonatal line?
14-18 months
What are the mandibular first molars?
17-21 years old
3rd molars
bifurcated roots, deep mesial root concavity, 7 mm furcation entrance
What are the maxillary 1st premolars?
rounded eminence at the lower part of the infratemporal surface of the maxilla
what is the maxillary tuberosity?
forms the dentin and the pulp, a mesenchymal product
what is the dental papilla?
16-17 months
10-11 years old
What are the first and second premolars?
bifurcated mesial and distal roots, 3 mm facial furcation entrance, 4 mm lingual furcation entrance
what are the mandibular molars?
posterior part to the body of the mandible
derives from the cervical portion of the enamel organ and is not fully formed when the tooth erupts-- it continues to form AFTER the completion of the crown!
what is the root?
2 years old
what are the 2nd molars?
12 years old
What are the 2nd molars?
horizontal bony plate made up of two bones of the facial skeleton located superior to the floor of the mouth; check me for pathology during IO exam!
what is the hard palate?
one outlines the shape of enamel, and the other develops ameloblasts, cells that form enamel
what is the outer enamel organ and inner enamel epithelium?
8-9 months
What are the maxillary central and lateral incisors?
7-8 years old
what are the maxillary central and lateral incisors?
has trifurcated roots: mesial, distal, and palatal; three furcation entrances, facial 4 mm, mesial 3 mm, and distal 5 mm
what are the maxillary molars?
bony canal on the medial surface of the mandible that houses the inferior alveolar nerve, artery, and vein; target site for the IA/L
what is the mandibular foramen?
before the completion of the apical foramen, and AFTER the completion of the apical foramen
what are primary and secondary dentin?