On average, how many years of school does a dentist need (including undergrad)?
What are 8 years?
What is the most important thing to maintain good oral health?
Who is flossing and brushing your teeth?
On average, by what age do children lose all of their baby teeth?
What is 12 years old?
How many dental schools are there in the US?
What is 72?
How many baby teeth do children develop?
What is 20 baby teeth?
This is a licensed dental professional that specializes in preventative oral health, and performing dental cleanings
What is a Dental Hygienist?
What three beverages increase your chance of stained teeth?
What is coffee, tea, and red wine?
When left on the teeth for long periods of time, plaque hardens to become this difficult to remove substance.
What is tartar?
True or False: baby teeth start forming in your gum AFTER you're born
What are permanent teeth located between the canine teeth (cuspids) and the molars (molars) called?
What is a biscupid?
What is the biofilm that surrounds the teeth, containing Streptococcus mutans called?
What is plaque?
What percent of the tooth remains untouched if you don't floss?
What is 40%?