What is something you can do 2 times a day to help keep your teeth clean?
Brushing your teeth
What is something your can wear to prevent mouth injuries?
Mouth guard
What is a Pediatric Dentist?
How long should you brush your teeth for?
2 minutes
True or False: does gum disease cause other health problems?
What is something that helps a dentist check for cavities? (hint: picture of teeth)
What is something besides brushing you can do to help keep your teeth clean?
When do children typically lose their baby teeth?
6 years old
What does your dentist do if you have a cavity?
put on a crown or filling
What is something you can drink to help prevent decay?
What do molars do?
Smash and grind up food to help you swallow
What is something that dentists put on your teeth to help prevent tooth decay?
pea-sized amount
What does saliva do?
Helps neutralize acid and softens food.
How many times should children get their teeth cleaned by a dentist each year?
2 times