Category: California Dental Law
Category: Dental Procedures
Category: Professional Ethics
Category: Dental Hygiene Supervision
Category: Occupational Safety

A dentist shall report all deaths occurring in practice to the dental board within how many days?

What is 7 days?


Radiographs can be taken under which type of supervision?

What is direct supervision?


A dental provider criticizing another professional's education is an example of what?

What is slander?


Soft tissue curettage can be performed under which type of supervision?

What is general supervision?


What does OSHA stand for?

What is Occupational Safety and Health Administration?


How many continuing education units (CEUs) are required for a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA)?

What is 25?


Instruments that contact oral tissues but do not penetrate soft tissue or bone are called what?

What are semi-critical instruments?


 A dental chart is a legal document, but which one of these is NOT acceptable as a signature?

What is a license number only?


Scaling and root planing must be done under what type of supervision?

What is direct supervision?


Which hazard is NOT a responsibility of OSHA to protect workers from?

What is wrongful termination?


If you change your address, how long do you have to inform the Dental Board of California (DBC)?

What is 30 days?


Sterilizers should be monitored with a biological indicator how often?

What is weekly?


A dental hygienist going to work drunk and treating patients could face what consequences?

What is all of the above (misdemeanor, fine, imprisonment)?


A dental hygienist may assess and implement a hygiene treatment plan, but what can they NOT do?

What is diagnose or provide a comprehensive treatment plan?


How often should sterilizers be monitored with a biologic indicator?

What is weekly?


What happens if a dental license is not renewed?

What is it expires at midnight on the last day of the renewal month?


What is the expiration period for sterilized instruments in pouches?

What is 90 days or 3 months?


Communicating answers from the California Law and Ethics exam can result in what?

What is up to a $10,000 fine?


The definition of direct supervision requires what of the dentist?

What is being physically present in the treatment facility?


Instruments that are used to penetrate soft tissue are classified as what type of instruments?

What are critical instruments?


California is an "at-will" state. Must a dental hygienist or assistant give two weeks' notice before leaving a job?

What is both sentences are false?


If a dental assistant reports to work with open sores, what should they do?

What is refrain from all direct patient care?


Altering patient records with intent to deceive is an example of what type of conduct?

What is unprofessional conduct?


What is an example of something a dental assistant can NOT do under general supervision?

What is taking alginate impressions for bleach trays?


A dental assistant with an allergic reaction causing dermatitis should do what?

What is refrain from all direct patient care?