What kind of training may you receive prior (pre-) to becoming an apprentice?
In the Fingers Lakes Region, how may retiree's are there, compared to millennial's entering the workforce?
410,000 Retiree's
230,000 Millennial's entering the work force.
What are Direct Entry Apprenticeships?
A "direct entry apprenticeship" is where individuals can enter an apprenticeship program without going through a traditional application process first, often by completing a pre-apprenticeship program
This activist, a famous Rochester native became an apprentice at a shipyard in 1833?
Frederick Douglass -
Specifically he was a Shipbuilder specializing in caulking, sealing the seams of ship planks to make the boats watertight.
Which famous Marvel movie was partially filmed in Rochester, NY?
What is a paid job called that combines classroom instruction with on-the-job training to prepare people for skilled trade careers?
What is an Apprenticeship
What are the top 6 soft skills employers wish Highschool graduates had?
1. Communication Skills.
2. Focus (off the phone).
3. Hard Working (Grit).
4. Problem Solver.
5. Punctual.
6. Following Directions.
In NYS, there are OVER 200 different Skilled Trades with Apprenticeship Opportunities in NYS.
True or False
This apprentice went on to paint the Mona Lisa, which is often cited as the most famous painting in the world.
Leonardo de Vinci – Apprentice Painter
1. In 1951, who beat the NY Knicks in the NBA Championship?
2. What 2 teams played in the longest game in MLB history?
3. Did Rochester have a team in the NFL, if so what was the name.
1. Rochester Royals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTYmgeBgobI
2. Rochester Red Wings vs Pawtucket Red Sockshttps://www.mlb.com/video/the-longest-game-ever-x6056
3. Yes, Rochester Jefferson's. https://www.nfl.com/100/original-towns/
This type of training is hands-on, learned from a mentor, while ON THE JOB?
What kind of training is this called?
What is "on-the-job training".
Name at least 3 company's in Rochester, NY that offer Apprenticeships.
Bausch & Lomb - Manufacturing & Engineering
Betlem, John - HVAC
Gleason Works - Manufacturing
Green Lite - Fiber Internet
Kodak - Manufacturing
Rochester Regional Health - Health
What type of apprenticeship is sponsored by a labor UNION, for jobs such as electricians, plumbers, iron workers, and other skilled labor positions?
A Union Apprenticeship.
One of the ‘Founding Fathers’ of the United States.
At the age of twelve he became a printing apprentice to his older brother, James.
Benjamin Franklin – Printing Apprentice
Which famous movie was filmed on Kodak Film?
Ready Player One
The Wolf of Wall Street.
A worker, skilled in a given trade, who has successfully completed an official apprenticeship qualification is called?
What is a Journeyman
What are 6 Benefits of Apprenticeships?
1. Earn a Certificate of Completion.
2. Gain a 21st Century Skill.
3. Learn from Guided Mentor - Journeyman.
4. In less time then traditional education.
5. Earning while you learn.
6. Without the burden of school debt.
Name some DOL resources that can help you with your career research.
1. VR Rental. https://dol.ny.gov/virtual-reality
2. Career Fairs and Jobs. https://dol.ny.gov/find-job-0
3. Career Zone https://careerzone.labor.ny.gov/jz/views/careerzone/index.jsf
This catering apprentice worked his way up to opening his own chain of restaurants, and was introduced into the culinary hall of fame.
Jamie Oliver – Catering Apprentice
Which movie prop was made in Rochester NY?
Luke Skywalker's Light Saber
Marilyn Monroe's Dress
Indian Jones' Whip
An organization operating an apprenticeship program is called?
1. Who can become an Teacher Ambassador for the DOL?
2. When is it? & What does it pay?
3. How do I apply?
4. Why become an Ambassador? & How can I help?
1. Teachers, counselors and librarians.
2. 4 weeks Jul. to Aug. Approx. 8:30am-4:30pm. Yes, it pays & counts towards your retirement.
3. Apply on the DOL website today, and let's represent Rochester with pride! https://dol.ny.gov/teacher-ambassador-program
4. Great professional devel. experience. Share what you learned here today.
What is "National Signing Day" in terms of Career Development?
Nationwide celebration showcasing our next generation of skilled professionals.
This world-famous singer trained as an apprentice electrician prior to signing his record deal.
Elvis Presley – Apprentice Electrician
1. Which Rochester Business invented the (computer) mouse and computer GUI (graphics)?
2. And who did they give the technology to for free?
Xerox gave the technology to Apple.